Last updated: 12/23/2024
Although travel insurance is not required for foreign visitors heading to Canada, it is still at the top of mind for many travelers. Medical travel insurance is the most important benefit for travelers visiting Canada. Specifically, many travelers are searching specifically for the Emergency Medical, Medical Evacuation, and Pre-Existing Condition benefits.
Because the three medical benefits are the top concerns for travelers buying travel insurance for Canada, Squaremouth recommends a high medical policy with at least $50,000 in Emergency Medical coverage and $100,000 in Medical Evacuation coverage. Travelers who contract Covid-19 during their trip to Canada can be covered by these medical benefits. In order for a policy to also include coverage for Pre-Existing Conditions, it must be purchased within 14-21 days of the traveler’s initial trip deposit date.
For travelers who are also concerned about protecting their trip investment, Squaremouth recommends a comprehensive policy with Trip Cancellation coverage. These policies will typically cost between 5% and 10% of your total trip cost, and can cover 100% of your prepaid and non-refundable trip expenses, such as airfare, hotels, and tours.
The most common covered reason for Trip Cancellation is an illness, injury, or death of you, a traveling companion, or a family member. This benefit can also cover other events that lead to a cancellation, such as severe weather, terrorism, and employment layoff, among others. The Trip Cancellation benefit can also cover travelers who cannot travel because they contracted Covid-19.
Canada has long been one of the most popular, and affordable, destinations for travelers.
Destination Rank: 5
Percentage of Squaremouth Sales: 3.82%
Average Premium: $261.19
Average Trip Cost: $3,253.83
Squaremouth Analytics compares thousands of travel insurance policies purchased pre- and post-pandemic to identify changes and trends in the travel insurance industry.
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Steven Benna, Lead Data Analyst: