Egypt Travel Insurance Requirements

Last updated: 03/07/2024

Egypt Travel Insurance Requirements

While travel insurance was once a requirement for those heading to Egypt, obtaining a policy is no longer an entry requirement. However, both the U.S Department of State and Egyptian Embassy strongly recommend purchasing a travel medical policy that covers you for the duration of your visit. Before you depart for your trip, make sure to check the U.S. Embassy in Egypt for the latest entry requirements.

Squaremouth’s Egypt Travel Insurance Recommendations

For international travel, Squaremouth recommends travelers visiting Egypt buy a travel insurance policy with at least $50,000 in Emergency Medical coverage, and at least $100,000 in Medical Evacuation coverage. This coverage is reimbursement-based, meaning the traveler is typically required to pay their medical expenses upfront and then file a claim for reimbursement when they return home.

The Emergency Medical benefit of travel insurance can reimburse travelers for the costs of medical treatment in the event of an illness or injury during their trip. This includes physician services, ambulance expenses, and other costs of treatment.

The Medical Evacuation benefit can transport a traveler to the nearest adequate hospital in the event of a medical emergency. If the treating physician determines the traveler should return home for better treatment, this benefit can also cover those costs.

Medical travel insurance is the only coverage required in order for a traveler to enter Egypt, however, most travel insurance policies are comprehensive and include a variety of other benefits, without increasing the cost of a policy. This includes coverage for travel delays and lost or delayed luggage.

Due to the rising trip costs, Squaremouth recommends Trip Cancellation coverage for travelers who are concerned about canceling their trip, in addition to the medical travel insurance that is required in order for a traveler to enter Egypt.

Click here to begin your search for Egypt Travel Insurance.

Egypt Travel Insurance Trends and Data

Egypt has long been a popular destination for its famous tourist attractions, such as the Pyramids and the Nile River.

Destination Rank: 49

Percentage of Squaremouth Sales: 0.52%

Average Premium: $518.99

Average Trip Cost: $7,308.96

Squaremouth Analytics compares thousands of travel insurance policies purchased pre- and post-pandemic to identify changes and trends in the travel insurance industry.

Helpful Resources" target="blank">Egypt Tourism Authority

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