Last updated: 03/10/2025
The Department of Foreign Affairs cautions all travelers visiting the country to take into account the risk of Covid-19 while abroad, and recommends purchase of a comprehensive travel insurance policy. This includes a policy with benefits for cancellations and medical emergencies, including those related to Covid-19.
Squaremouth recommends a policy with at least $50,000 in Emergency Medical coverage and $100,000 in Medical Evacuation coverage for travelers visiting Paraguay. This is consistent with Squaremouth’s general recommendations for international travel.
For travelers heading to more remote areas of Paraguay, Squaremouth recommends at least $100,000 in Emergency Medical coverage and $250,000 in Medical Evacuation coverage.
Emergency Medical coverage can provide reimbursement for medical expenses related to unforeseen illness or injury while the Medical Evacuation benefit can reimburse a traveler for expenses related to getting them to the nearest adequate medical care facility.
For travelers who have non-refundable and prepaid trip expenses, or those who are worried about contracting Covid-19 and being unable to travel, Squaremouth recommends a comprehensive travel insurance policy. In addition to the medical benefits recommended to visit Paraguay, a comprehensive policy will also include Trip Cancellation, Trip Delay, and Trip Interruption coverage, among other benefits.
Trip Cancellation can cover travelers who need to cancel their trip before they leave for a covered reason. These reasons typically include unforeseen illness or injury such as testing positive for Covid-19, as well as inclement weather or terrorism.
Trip Interruption coverage can help reimburse travelers for prepaid and non-refundable trip expenses if a person has to miss part of their trip for a covered reason similarly to Trip Cancellation coverage. A traveler can also be reimbursed if they have to cut their trip short for unforeseen illness or injury or inclement weather, among other reasons.
Travel Delay coverage can reimburse travelers up to the policy’s daily limit for hotel accommodations and meals. Coverage can include a delayed flight or even a quarantine for a positive Covid-19 test. This coverage can also reimburse a traveler for their airline ticket costs if the traveler must return home earlier or later than planned.
Click here to begin your search for Paraguay Travel Insurance.
Paraguay is famous for its stunning waterfalls, quaint towns, and delicious foods such as Sopa Paraguaya and chipa kavure.
Destination Rank: 149
Percentage of Squaremouth Sales: 0.02%
Average Premium: $202.32
Average Trip Cost: $2,155.78
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