Last updated: 03/07/2024
Thailand no longer requires that all foreign visitors entering the country have travel insurance.
For travelers heading to Thailand, Squaremouth recommends at least $50,000 in Emergency Medical coverage and at least $100,000 in Medical Evacuation coverage. All medical policies available through include both Emergency Medical and Medical Evacuation.
We understand many travelers visiting Thailand may have high prepaid and non-refundable expenses for their trip. Along with these medical benefits, we recommend travelers who are concerned about losing their trip payments purchase a policy with Trip Cancellation. This benefit can reimburse 100% of a traveler’s prepaid and non-refundable trip costs if they need to cancel for a covered reason, such as not being able to travel because they are sick with Covid-19 or another illness.
Click here to begin your search for Thailand Travel Insurance.
With its famous cities and landmarks, great sights, and world class dining options, Thailand has long been a popular destination for travelers. Although the impact of Covid-19 has been harsh, travel to the destination is expected to rebound after the pandemic.
Destination Rank: 17
Percentage of Squaremouth Sales: 1.47%
Average Premium: $212.06
Average Trip Cost: $3,154.21
Squaremouth Analytics compares thousands of travel insurance policies purchased pre- and post-pandemic to identify changes and trends in the travel insurance industry.
Squaremouth's destination information is free and available for use within your reporting.
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Steven Benna, Lead Data Analyst: