Last updated: 03/07/2024
As of November 7, 2022, the United Arab Emirates lifted all Covid-19 related entry requirements, including the longstanding travel insurance requirement.
Squaremouth recommends travelers visiting UAE buy a travel insurance policy with at least $100,000 in Emergency Medical coverage and at least $100,000 in Medical Evacuation coverage. This coverage is reimbursement-based, meaning the traveler is typically required to pay their medical expenses upfront and then file a claim for reimbursement when they return home.
In addition to these medical benefits, most travel insurance policies are comprehensive and include a variety of other benefits, without increasing the cost of a policy. This includes coverage for travel delays and lost or delayed luggage.
Travelers visiting the UAE also have the option to insure their trip costs under the Trip Cancellation benefit. This benefit can reimburse all of their prepaid and non-refundable trip payments if they need to cancel due to an illness or injury, inclement weather, or terrorist incident, among other events.
Click here to begin your search for UAE Travel Insurance.
Travel to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has skyrocketed over the past few years. Technologically advanced cities, namely Dubai and Abu Dhabi, have made the UAE one of the most attractive and breathtaking countries to visit in the world.
Destination Rank: 63
Percentage of Squaremouth Sales: 0.31%
Average Premium: $286.39
Average Trip Cost: $4,529.25
Squaremouth's destination information is free and available for use within your reporting.
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Steven Benna, Lead Data Analyst: