What is the difference between Trip Cancellation and Cancel For Any Reason?

A majority of travelers who buy travel insurance are buying cancellation coverage for their trip costs. For these travelers, there are two benefits that can provide this financial protection: Trip Cancellation or Cancel For Any Reason. Trip Cancellation can provide coverage for the most common traveler concerns, while Cancel For Any Reason provides travelers with […]

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Is Travel Insurance Refundable?

Yes, travel insurance can be refunded if you decide to cancel your travel insurance policy within the Free Look Period, also referred to as a Money Back Guarantee window. During this time frame, which begins immediately after you buy a policy, a policy can be cancelled and refunded with no questions asked. If you decide […]

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Trip Cancellation Insurance: What’s Covered and What Is Not?

Trip Cancellation insurance can cover travelers for 100% of their prepaid and nonrefundable trip expenses if they need to cancel for a reason that’s specifically listed by their policy. The most common covered reason to cancel a trip under the Trip Cancellation benefit is an illness, injury, or death. However, there are many other events […]

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Travel Insurance for Pregnancy: Squaremouth Explains What’s Covered

Many travelers have the misconception that travel insurance will cover any health-related issues that may impact their trip, such as pregnancy. However, travel insurance is a highly regulated industry, and policies can only cover specific events that are listed within their Certificate of Insurance. Many soon-to-be parents with upcoming trips want to know if pregnancy […]

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How Long Does Travel Insurance Last?

The majority travel insurance policies are designed to cover travelers from door-to-door, starting when they leave home for their trip and ending when they return home. However, there are different types of plans available to travelers that want additional coverage. How Long Do Single Trip Policies Last? Single trip travel insurance policies are the most […]

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What are the Covered Reasons for Trip Cancellation?

Trip Cancellation can reimburse travelers for 100% of their prepaid and non-refundable trip costs if they need to cancel their trip for a reason that is covered by their policy. Many travelers rely on this coverage for peace of mind in case an emergency comes up. This is one of the main benefits travelers specifically […]

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How Do I File a Travel Insurance Claim?

For many travelers, a provider’s reputation handling travel insurance claims is just as important as the policy’s coverage and price. However, because travel insurance is reimbursement-based, the claims process can be daunting. If you are a Squaremouth customer and would like to file a claim, select your provider here. This will give you your provider’s […]

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Can You Buy Travel Insurance After Booking a Flight?

Yes, travelers can buy travel insurance after booking a flight. In fact, travelers have up until the day before they leave for their trip to purchase travel insurance. Squaremouth data indicates that travelers purchase travel insurance roughly 67 days after making their first trip booking. So, if you’re interested in purchasing travel insurance and you […]

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What is Flight Insurance? Protecting Your Upcoming Journey

Flight insurance can help refund the costs a traveler incurs if they miss their flight or something happens while they’re flying. For many travelers, this is one of the main reasons they consider purchasing travel insurance. Flight insurance coverage can help a traveler in four different ways: Under the Trip Cancellation benefit, it can refund […]

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I’ve Booked My Flights Using Miles, How Does This Affect My Travel Insurance?

When purchasing Trip Cancellation travel insurance, determining which trip costs to include and which to exclude can often cause confusion for travelers. If travelers are using frequent flyer miles or rewards points to fund a portion of their trip, it can even further complicate the process. Travel insurance comparison site, Squaremouth, explains frequent flyer mile […]

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