What is Baggage & Personal Items Loss Coverage?

Baggage and Personal Items Loss is a popular travel insurance benefit that provides reimbursement for damaged, stolen, or lost luggage. This benefit typically covers both carry-ons and checked bags for the duration of your trip.

Most plans will reimburse you the actual cash value of the lost items at the time of the incident. Travel insurance providers set coverage limits that put a cap on the maximum amount of reimbursement you are eligible for, which can vary from one plan to the next.

Does Travel Insurance Cover Personal Belongings?

Yes, almost all travel insurance policies include luggage insurance in the form of Baggage & Personal Items Loss and Baggage Delay coverage. Some adventure plans also include protection for any sports equipments you choose to bring with you on your trip.

Baggage insurance benefits are designed to protect you financially if something happens to your belongings while you’re traveling. This protection can come in handy if an airlinemishandles your luggage or if you misplace your personal effects while abroad.

While the majority of travel insurance companies will cover your belongings for the entire length of your trip, others will only cover luggage that was checked into a common carrier. A policy’s Certificate of Insurance will outline what items, expenses, and scenarios that are covered.

Understanding Baggage Loss Insurance Coverage Limits

Most travel insurance plans include per person limits and per item limits. You may also see policies with specific item limits, which set a limit on how much total reimbursement you can receive for high priced items like jewelry, laptops, cameras, and other valuable belongings.

In general, you can expect plans to fall into the following ranges:

  • Per person: $500 – $3,000
  • Per-item coverage: $50 – $500
  • Total coverage for specific items: $250 – $1,000

Filing a Lost Luggage Insurance Claim

If you’re unable to locate your luggage, filing a claim with your travel insurance provider may help you receive reimbursement for your missing items. Typically, this involves the following steps:

  1. Contact Your Provider: If your items are missing and you plan on filing a claim, you should first contact your provider. They will be able to advise you on their process, the baggage coverage you have, and what documents you may need.
  2. File a Report: Before filing a claim, your provider may require you to file a report with your airline or local authorities, depending on where the incident occurred. Doing so will alert officials that your items are missing, and may even result in them being returned to you.
  3. Collect Your Documentation: Proving something is missing can be tricky. Your provider may ask for a detailed list of the items in your bag, any relevant receipts, police reports, and any other relating documents that support your claim.
  4. Complete A Claims Form: Once you have collected all documents, you may then begin to file your claim. Most modern providers will allow you to fill out a claims form online, either through their website or mobile app.
  5. Submit Your Claim: Once you submit your claim, your provider may reach out to you for additional information. Be sure to check back from time to time to see the status of your claim, and if any judgments have been made.

Covering Jewelry & Other Valuables While Traveling

Most travel insurance policies don’t offer sufficient loss coverage for expensive items. If you’re traveling with luxury goods, valuable jewelry, or other belongings that have a value greater than your policy’s coverage limits, we recommend finding an alternative source of protection.

Many travel credit cards now offer generous protection for personal effects while you’re traveling. Some homeowners insurance or renters insurance policies also allow you to add protection for high prices items.

Please be aware that coverage and eligibility requirements for this benefit differ by policy. The tables below show the providers that offer Baggage & Personal Items Loss coverage.

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Baggage & Personal Items Loss by Provider

Last Updated: 03/14/2025
Aegis Aegis
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage

Go Ready Choice

$500 per person

Important Note:

The standard Baggage and Personal Effects coverage of $500 per person does not include protection for Electronics and Professional Equipment such as cell phones, tablets, & laptops. To ensure coverage for these items, you must select the Baggage Loss and Electronic/Professional Equipment Upgrade. This upgrade includes:

Baggage and Personal Effects Upgrade: $2,000
Electronics and Professional Equipment Upgrade: $1,000

We will reimburse the Insured for an Electronic and Professional Equipment Benefit, for loss, theft, or damage to his/her laptop, cell phone or other professional equipment, up to the corresponding Maximum Covered Amount per Insured shown in the Schedule, provided that he/she has taken reasonable measures to protect, save, and recover his/her property at all times. The laptop, cell phone, or other professional equipment must accompany the Insured during the Covered Trip.


Subject to SECTION II – EFFECTIVE AND TERMINATION DATES OF INSURANCE, A. EFFECTIVE DATE, the Insured’s coverage under the Baggage and Personal Effects Benefit will take effect on the Scheduled Date of Departure.

We will reimburse the Insured for a Baggage and Personal Effects Benefit, for direct loss, theft, damage or destruction of his/her Baggage, Personal Effects, passports or visas during a Covered Trip, up to the corresponding Maximum Covered Amount per Insured shown in the Schedule. We will also pay for loss due to unauthorized use of the Insured’s credit cards that are not forgiven or otherwise waived by the applicable credit card companies, if the Insured has complied with all of the credit card conditions imposed by the credit card companies.

We will reimburse the Insured for a Baggage and Personal Effects Benefit, for direct loss, theft, damage or destruction of his/her Baggage during the Insured’s Covered Trip, up to the corresponding Maximum Covered Amount per Insured shown in the Schedule, provided the Insured takes all reasonable measures to preserve, protect or recover the Baggage. We will reimburse the Insured the cost to reissue his/her passports or visas if they are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed during the Insured’s Covered Trip. We will also pay for loss due to unauthorized use of the Insured’s credit cards that are not forgiven or otherwise waived by the applicable credit card companies, if the Insured has complied with all of the credit card conditions imposed by the credit card companies.

Valuation and Payment of Loss

Payment of loss under the Baggage and Personal Effects Benefit and Electrical and Professional Equipment Benefit will be calculated based upon the Actual Cash Value. For items without receipts, payment of loss will be calculated based upon 75% of the Actual Cash Value or 75% of the replacement cost at the time of loss, whichever is less. At Our option, We may elect to repair or replace the Insured’s Baggage.

We may take all or part of a damaged Baggage as a condition for payment of loss. In the event of a loss to a pair or set of items, We will, solely at Our discretion: (i) repair or replace any part to restore the pair or set to its value before the loss; or (ii) pay the difference between the value of the property before and after the loss.

Continuation of Coverage

If the covered Baggage, passports, or visas are in the custody of a Common Carrier, and delivery is delayed, this coverage will continue until the property is delivered to the Insured. This continuation of coverage does not include loss caused by or resulting from the delay.

The Insured’s Duties in the Event of a Loss

In case of loss, theft or damage to Baggage and Personal Effects, the Insured must: (i) immediately report the incident to the hotel manager, tour guide or representative, transportation official, local police, or other local authorities and obtain their written report of his/her loss; and (ii) take reasonable steps to protect his/her Baggage from further damage, and make necessary, reasonable and temporary repairs. We will reimburse the Insured for these expenses. We will not pay for further damage if the Insured fails to protect his/her Baggage.

In case of loss, theft, or damage to the Insured’s laptop, cell phone or other professional equipment, the Insured must report the incident to the airline, airport, local police or other such local authorities and obtain their written report of his/her loss.

In case of loss, theft or damage to the Insured’s sporting equipment, receipts for the expenses incurred must be submitted for reimbursement, along with written proof that the Insured’s sporting equipment was lost, stolen or damaged.

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Go Ready Pandemic Plus

$2,500 per person
$500 per item
$500 specific items limit


We will pay You up to the maximum shown on the Schedule of Benefits, for loss, theft or damage to Baggage and personal effects, provided that You, Your Traveling Companion or Your Family Member has taken all reasonable measures to protect, save and/or recover the property at all times. The Baggage and personal effects must be owned by and accompany You during the Covered Trip. Original receipts and a police report from the local jurisdiction (in the event of theft) must be provided for reimbursement. You have checked Your Baggage with a Common Carrier and delivery is delayed, coverage for Baggage will be extended until the Common Carrier delivers the property.

There is a per article limit shown on the Schedule of Benefits. There is a combined maximum limit shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the following: jewelry, watches, articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold or platinum, furs, articles trimmed with or made mostly of fur, sports equipment, radios, cameras, camcorders and their accessories and related equipment and other electronic items.

We will pay You for fees associated with the replacement of Your passport during Your Covered Trip. Receipts are required for reimbursement.

We will also reimburse You for charges and interest incurred due to unauthorized use of Your credit cards if such use occurs during Your Trip and provided that You have complied with all credit card conditions imposed by the credit card companies.

We will pay the lesser of the following:

a) Actual Cash Value, as determined by Us, at time of loss, theft or damage to Baggage and personal effects; or

b) the cost of repair or replacement.

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Arch RoamRight Arch RoamRight
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage


$750 per person
$250 per item
$500 specific items limit


We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, less any amount paid or payable by a party responsible for Your loss, for Your Baggage which is permanently lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed during Your Trip, provided You have taken all reasonable measures to protect, save and/or recover Your property at all times.

We will also reimburse You for fees associated with the replacement of Your passport and visas which are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed during Your Trip.

We will also reimburse You for charges and interest incurred due to unauthorized use or replacement of Your lost or stolen credit cards if such use or loss occurs during Your Trip and if You have complied with all credit card conditions imposed by the credit card companies.

Valuation and Payment of Loss:

The lesser of the following amounts will be paid:

1) the Actual Cash Value at the time Your Baggage is lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed;

2) the cost to repair or replace the item with material of a like kind and quality; or

3) $250 per item.

For claimed items without original receipts, payment of loss will be calculated based upon 75% of the Actual Cash Value at the time of loss, not to exceed $250.

Items Subject To Special Limitations: We will reimburse You up to $500 in total on all jewelry; precious or semi-precious stones; watches; articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold or platinum; furs or articles trimmed with fur; electronic devices, including but not limited to: cameras, computers, cell phones, and other mobile devices and sporting equipment.

If You have checked Your property with a Common Carrier and delivery is delayed, coverage for Baggage will be extended until the Common Carrier delivers the property.

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Pro Plus

$1,500 per person
$250 per item
$600 specific items limit


We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, less any amount paid or payable by a party responsible for Your loss, for Your Baggage which is permanently lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed during Your Trip, provided You have taken all reasonable measures to protect, save and/or recover Your property at all times.

We will also reimburse You for fees associated with the replacement of Your passport and visas which are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed during Your Trip.

We will also reimburse You for charges and interest incurred due to unauthorized use or replacement of Your lost or stolen credit cards if such use or loss occurs during Your Trip and if You have complied with all credit card conditions imposed by the credit card companies.

Valuation and Payment of Loss:

The lesser of the following amounts will be paid:

1) the Actual Cash Value at the time Your Baggage is lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed;

2) the cost to repair or replace the item with material of a like kind and quality; or

3) $250 per item.

For claimed items without original receipts, payment of loss will be calculated based upon 75% of the Actual Cash Value at the time of loss, not to exceed $250.

Items Subject To Special Limitations: We will reimburse You up to $600 in total on all jewelry; precious or semi-precious stones; watches; articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold or platinum; furs or articles trimmed with fur; electronic devices, including but not limited to: cameras, computers, cell phones, and other mobile devices and sporting equipment.

If You have checked Your property with a Common Carrier and delivery is delayed, coverage for Baggage will be extended until the Common Carrier delivers the property.

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AXA Assistance USA AXA Assistance USA
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage


$1,500 per person
$250 per item
$500 specific items limit


This coverage is subject to any coverage provided by a Common Carrier and shall apply only when such other benefits are exhausted. In order for a claim to be processed under this Coverage, a loss or theft report must be filed with local law enforcement authorities, the Common Carrier, Travel Supplier, tour leader or with a representative of the venue or location where the loss or theft took place.


The Company will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to any applicable sub-limits, if You sustain Loss, theft or damage to baggage and Personal Effects during the Trip, including, but not limited to sporting equipment, provided You have taken all measures possible to protect, save and/or recover the property at all times. The baggage and Personal Effects must be owned by and accompany You during the Trip.

The Company will pay the lesser of the following:

a) Actual Cash Value at time of Loss, theft or damage to baggage and Personal Effects; or
b) the cost of repair or replacement in like kind and quality.

There will be a per article limit as shown on the Schedule of Benefits.

There will be a combined Maximum Benefit as shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the following:
jewelry; watches; articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold or platinum; furs; articles trimmed with or made mostly of fur; cameras and their accessories and related equipment.


If You have checked property with a Common Carrier and delivery is delayed, coverage for Baggage/Personal Effects will be extended until the Common Carrier delivers Your property or declares such property lost, whichever occurs first.

Read Hide Full Policy Wording


$3,000 per person
$500 per item
$1,000 specific items limit


This coverage is subject to any coverage provided by a Common Carrier and shall apply only when such other benefits are exhausted. In order for a claim to be processed under this Coverage, a loss or theft report must be filed with local law enforcement authorities, the Common Carrier, Travel Supplier, tour leader or with a representative of the venue or location where the loss or theft took place.


The Company will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to any applicable sub-limits, if You sustain Loss, theft or damage to baggage and Personal Effects during the Trip, including, but not limited to sporting equipment, provided You have taken all measures possible to protect, save and/or recover the property at all times. The baggage and Personal Effects must be owned by and accompany You during the Trip.

The Company will pay the lesser of the following:

a) Actual Cash Value at time of Loss, theft or damage to baggage and Personal Effects; or

b) the cost of repair or replacement in like kind and quality.

There will be a per article limit as shown on the Schedule of Benefits.

There will be a combined Maximum Benefit as shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the following: jewelry; watches; articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold or platinum; furs; articles trimmed with or made mostly of fur; cameras and their accessories and related equipment.


If You have checked property with a Common Carrier and delivery is delayed, coverage for Baggage/Personal Effects will be extended until the Common Carrier delivers Your property or declares such property lost, whichever occurs first.

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battleface battleface
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage

Discovery Plan

Optional coverage


We will pay you the lesser of:

a. The actual cash value as determined by us; or

b. The cost of replacement, up to the maximum limit shown in the schedule of benefits, and subject to the special limitations shown below, for loss, theft or damage to your baggage and personal effects during your covered trip.

We will also pay for fees incurred to ship your baggage and personal effects to your location if the lost items are recovered. Benefits are payable only after satisfaction of the deductible shown in the schedule of benefits.

Special Limitations:

We will reimburse you up to:

a. One thousand, two hundred fifty dollars ($1,250) per item.

Items over one hundred fifty dollars ($150) must be accompanied by original receipts. If receipts are not provided, the maximum amount payable will be one hundred fifty dollars ($150).

In the event of a loss to a pair or set of items, we will pay the lesser of:

a. The cost to repair or purchase the individual item(s) needed to complete the set or pair; or
b. The original purchase price of the set or pair.

In the event of a loss of your prescription medication, we will reimburse you only for the cost to replace the amount of prescriptions drugs that were lost, stolen, or damaged. The prescribing physician must authorize the replacement and it must be legally permissible to replace the prescription at your location.

Baggage and Personal Effects maximum limit shown in the schedule of benefits also includes:

a. Losses due to unauthorized use of your credit cards if they are lost or stolen during the covered trip.

However, this benefit will not apply if you have failed to comply with all requirements imposed by the issuing credit card companies; and

b. The cost to replace your passport or visa if it is lost, stolen or damaged during the covered trip. The loss, theft or damage must be documented by a police report.
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Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage


$1,000 per person
$500 first item limit
$250 subsequent items limit
$500 specific items limit


If Your Baggage, personal effects, passports, travel documents or visas are lost, damaged, or stolen during Your Trip, the Company will pay the lesser of: a) the cash value (original cash value less depreciation) as determined by the Company or, b) the cost of replacement, up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule subject to the special limitations shown below.

Special Limitations:

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company will cover up to the maximum amount indicated for the following:
· $500 for the first item
· $250 per each additional item
· $500 aggregate on all Losses to: jewelry, watches, furs, cameras and camera equipment, camcorders, computers, electronic devices, including but not limited to: lap top computers, cell phones, electronic organizers and portable CD players.

Items over $150 must be accompanied by original receipts. If receipts are not provided, no benefits are payable.

The Company may take all or part of the damaged Baggage at the appraised or agreed value. In the event of a Loss to a pair or set of items, the Company may choose to:
a) repair or replace any part to restore the pair or set to its value before the Loss; or
b) pay the difference between the cash value of the Baggage before and after the Loss.

Read Hide Full Policy Wording


$1,000 per person
$500 first item limit
$250 subsequent items limit
$500 specific items limit


The Company will reimburse up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule, subject to the limitations below, if the Insured’s Baggage, personal effects, passports, Travel Documents, sporting or golf equipment, or visas are lost, damaged, or stolen during the Trip. The Company will reimburse the lesser of:

a) the price paid at the time of original purchase or
b) the cost of replacement.

Special Limitations:

The Company will cover up to the maximum amount indicated for the following:

1. The amount shown in the Schedule for the first item
2. The amount shown in the Schedule per each additional item
3. The Aggregate amount shown in the Schedule for all Losses to: jewelry, watches, furs, and electronic devices.

No benefits are payable for items over $150 if not accompanied by original receipts

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ExactCare Value

$750 per person
$500 first item limit
$250 subsequent items limit
$500 specific items limit
$50 deductible


If Your Baggage, personal effects, passports, travel documents and visas are lost, damaged, or stolen during Your Trip, the Company will pay the lesser of: a) the cash value (original cash value less depreciation) as determined by the Company or, b) the cost of replacement, up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule subject to the special limitations shown below.

Special Limitations:

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company will cover up to the maximum amount indicated for the following:

• $500 for the first item
• $250 per each additional item
• $500 aggregate on all Losses to: jewelry, watches, furs, cameras and camera equipment, camcorders, computers, electronic devices, including but not limited to: lap top computers, cell phones, electronic organizers and portable CD players.

Items over $150 must be accompanied by original receipts. If receipts are not provided, no benefits are payable.

The Company may take all or part of the damaged Baggage at the appraised or agreed value. In the event of a Loss to a pair or set of items, the Company may choose to:

a) repair or replace any part to restore the pair or set to its value before the Loss; or

b) pay the difference between the cash value of the Baggage before and after the Loss.

Read Hide Full Policy Wording

ExactCare Value

$750 per person
$500 first item limit
$250 subsequent items limit
$500 specific items limit
$50 deductible


The Company will reimburse up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule, subject to the limitations below, if theInsured’s Baggage, personal effects, passports, Travel Documents, sporting or golf equipment, or visas are lost, damaged, or stolen during the Trip. The Company will reimburse the lesser of:

(a) the price paid at the time of original purchase or

(b) the cost of replacement.

Special Limitations: The Company will cover up to the maximum amount indicated for the following:

1. The amount shown in the Schedule for the first item

2. The amount shown in the Schedule per each additional item

3. The Aggregate amount shown in the Schedule for all Losses to: jewelry, watches, furs, and electronic devices.

No benefits are payable for items over $150 if not accompanied by original receipts.

Read Hide Full Policy Wording


$2,500 per person
$500 first item limit
$250 subsequent items limit
$500 specific items limit


If Your Baggage, personal effects, passports, travel documents, sporting or golf equipment and visas are lost, damaged, or stolen during Your Trip, the Company will pay the lesser of: a) the cash value (original cash value less depreciation) as determined by the Company or, b) the cost of replacement, up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule subject to the special limitations shown below.

Special Limitations:

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company will cover up to the maximum amount indicated for the following:

• $500 for the first item
• $250 per each additional item
• $500 aggregate on all Losses to: jewelry, watches, furs, cameras and camera equipment, camcorders, sporting, golf equipment, computers, electronic devices, including but not limited to: lap top computers, cell phones, electronic organizers and portable CD players.

Items over $150 must be accompanied by original receipts. If receipts are not provided, no benefits are payable.

The Company may take all or part of the damaged Baggage or sporting and golf equipment at the appraised or agreed value. In the event of a Loss to a pair or set of items, the Company may choose to:

a) repair or replace any part to restore the pair or set to its value before the Loss; or

b) pay the difference between the cash value of the Baggage before and after the Loss.

Read Hide Full Policy Wording


$2,500 per person
$500 first item limit
$250 subsequent items limit
$500 specific items limit


The Company will reimburse up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule, subject to the limitations below, if the Insured’s Baggage, personal effects, passports, Travel Documents, sporting or golf equipment, or visas are lost, damaged, or stolen during the Trip. The Company will reimburse the lesser of:

(a) the price paid at the time of original purchase or

(b) the cost of replacement.

Special Limitations:
The Company will cover up to the maximum amount indicated for the following:

1. The amount shown in the Schedule for the first item

2. The amount shown in the Schedule per each additional item

3. The Aggregate amount shown in the Schedule for all Losses to: jewelry, watches, furs, and electronic devices.

No benefits are payable for items over $150 if not accompanied by original receipts.

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Detour Insurance Detour Insurance
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage

@the edge

$3,000 per person
$300 per item
$500 specific items limit


This coverage is subject to any coverage provided by a Common Carrier and all Other Insurance and shall apply only when such other benefits are exhausted. In order for a claim to be processed under this Coverage, a loss or theft report must be filed with local law enforcement authorities, the Common Carrier, Travel Supplier, tour leader or with a representative of the venue or location where the loss or theft took place.


The Company will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to any applicable sub-limits, if You sustain Loss, theft or damage to baggage and Personal Effects during the Trip including, but not limited to sporting equipment, provided You have taken all measures possible to protect, save and/or recover the property at all times.
The baggage and Personal Effects must be owned by and accompany You during the Trip.

The Company will pay the lesser of the following:

a) Actual Cash Value at time of Loss, theft or damage to baggage and Personal Effects; or

b) the cost of repair or replacement in like kind and quality.

There will be a per article limit as shown on the Schedule of Benefits.

There will be a combined Maximum Benefit as shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the following:

jewelry; watches; articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold or platinum; furs; articles trimmed with or made mostly of fur; Personal Computers, cameras and their accessories and related equipment.


If You have checked property with a Common Carrier and delivery is delayed, coverage for Baggage/Personal Effects will be extended until the Common Carrier delivers Your property or declares such property lost, whichever occurs first.

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@the edge plus

$3,000 per person
$300 per item
$500 specific items limit


This coverage is subject to any coverage provided by a Common Carrier and all Other Insurance and shall apply only when such other benefits are exhausted. In order for a claim to be processed under this Coverage, a loss or theft report must be filed with local law enforcement authorities, the Common Carrier, Travel Supplier, tour leader or with a representative of the venue or location where the loss or theft took place.


The Company will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to any applicable sub-limits, if You sustain Loss, theft or damage to baggage and Personal Effects during the Trip including, but not limited to sporting equipment, provided You have taken all measures possible to protect, save and/or recover the property at all times.
The baggage and Personal Effects must be owned by and accompany You during the Trip.

The Company will pay the lesser of the following:

a) Actual Cash Value at time of Loss, theft or damage to baggage and Personal Effects; or

b) the cost of repair or replacement in like kind and quality.

There will be a per article limit as shown on the Schedule of Benefits.

There will be a combined Maximum Benefit as shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the following:

jewelry; watches; articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold or platinum; furs; articles trimmed with or made mostly of fur; Personal Computers, cameras and their accessories and related equipment.

The Company will pay any costs associated with the unauthorized use of lost or stolen credit cards up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to verification that You have complied with all the conditions of the credit card company and have filed a police report if stolen.

The Company will pay any costs associated with replacement of a lost or stolen passport up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to receipt of a police report


If You have checked property with a Common Carrier and delivery is delayed, coverage for Baggage/Personal Effects will be extended until the Common Carrier delivers Your property or declares such property lost, whichever occurs first.

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Generali Global Assistance Generali Global Assistance
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage


$1,000 per person


We will reimburse you, up to the amount shown in the Schedule, less any amounts payable under your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance, for direct loss, theft, damage or destruction of your Baggage, passports or visas during your Trip, provided you have taken reasonable steps to protect your Baggage against loss, theft, damage and destruction. Under this coverage, we will also provide benefits for the administrative fees to reissue lost, stolen or damaged tickets, visas or passports. We will also pay for loss due to unauthorized use of your credit cards, if you have complied with all of the credit card conditions imposed by the credit card companies.

Valuation and Payment of Loss

Payment of loss under the Baggage Benefit will be calculated based upon an Actual Cash Value basis. For items without receipts, payment of loss will be calculated based upon 75% of the Actual Cash Value at the time of loss. At our option, we may elect to repair or replace your Baggage.

We may take all or part of damaged Baggage as a condition for payment of loss. In the event of a loss to a pair or set of items, we will:

1. repair or replace any part to restore the pair or set to its value before the loss; or

2. pay the difference between the value of the property before and after the loss.

Continuation of Coverage

If the covered Baggage, passports or visas are in the custody of a Common Carrier, and delivery is delayed, this coverage will continue until the property is delivered to you. This continuation of coverage does not include loss caused by or resulting from the delay.

Items Not Covered

We will not pay for damage to or loss of:

1. animals; or

2. Business Equipment, Sporting Equipment, household furniture, musical instruments, brittle or fragile articles; or

3. boats, motors, motorcycles, motor vehicles, aircraft, and other conveyances or equipment, or parts for such conveyances; or

4. artificial limbs or other prosthetic devices, artificial teeth, dental bridges, dentures, dental braces, retainers or other orthodontic devices, hearing aids, any type of eyeglasses, sunglasses or contact lenses; or

5. documents or tickets (except for administrative fees required to reissue tickets, as noted above); or

6. money, stamps, stocks and bonds, postal or money orders, securities, accounts, bills, deeds, food stamps or credit cards, except as noted above; or

7. property shipped as freight or shipped prior to the Scheduled Departure Date; or

8. telephones, computer hardware or software; or

9. consumables, medicines, perfumes, cosmetics and perishables; or

10. items seized by any government, government official or customs official; or

11. illegal drugs and contraband.

Losses Not Covered

We will not pay for loss arising from:

1. defective materials or craftsmanship; or

2. normal wear and tear, gradual deterioration, inherent vice; or

3. rodents, animals, insects or vermin; or

4. mysterious disappearance; or

5. electrical current, including electric arcing that damages or destroys electrical devices or appliances.

Your Duties in the Event of a Loss

In case of loss, theft or damage to Baggage, you must:

1. immediately report the incident to the hotel manager, tour guide or representative, transportation official, local police or other local authorities and obtain their written report of your loss; and

2. take reasonable steps to protect your Baggage from further damage, and make necessary, reasonable and temporary repairs. We will reimburse you for these expenses. We will not pay for further damage if you fail to protect your Baggage.

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$1,500 per person


We will reimburse you, up to the amount shown in the Schedule, less any amounts payable under your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance, for direct loss, theft, damage or destruction of your Baggage, passports or visas during your Trip, provided you have taken reasonable steps to protect your Baggage against loss, theft, damage and destruction. Under this coverage, we will also provide benefits for the administrative fees to reissue lost, stolen or damaged tickets, visas or passports. We will also pay for loss due to unauthorized use of your credit cards, if you have complied with all of the credit card conditions imposed by the credit card companies.

Valuation and Payment of Loss

Payment of loss under the Baggage Benefit will be calculated based upon an Actual Cash Value basis. For items without receipts, payment of loss will be calculated based upon 75% of the Actual Cash Value at the time of loss. At our option, we may elect to repair or replace your Baggage.

We may take all or part of damaged Baggage as a condition for payment of loss. In the event of a loss to a pair or set of items, we will:

1. repair or replace any part to restore the pair or set to its value before the loss; or

2. pay the difference between the value of the property before and after the loss.

Continuation of Coverage

If the covered Baggage, passports or visas are in the custody of a Common Carrier, and delivery is delayed, this coverage will continue until the property is delivered to you. This continuation of coverage does not include loss caused by or resulting from the delay.

Items Not Covered

We will not pay for damage to or loss of:

1. animals; or

2. Business Equipment, Sporting Equipment, household furniture, musical instruments, brittle or fragile articles; or

3. boats, motors, motorcycles, motor vehicles, aircraft, and other conveyances or equipment, or parts for such conveyances; or

4. artificial limbs or other prosthetic devices, artificial teeth, dental bridges, dentures, dental braces, retainers or other orthodontic devices, hearing aids, any type of eyeglasses, sunglasses or contact lenses; or

5. documents or tickets (except for administrative fees required to reissue tickets, as noted above); or

6. money, stamps, stocks and bonds, postal or money orders, securities, accounts, bills, deeds, food stamps or credit cards, except as noted above; or

7. property shipped as freight or shipped prior to the Scheduled Departure Date; or

8. telephones, computer hardware or software; or

9. consumables, medicines, perfumes, cosmetics and perishables; or

10. items seized by any government, government official or customs official; or

11. illegal drugs and contraband.

Losses Not Covered

We will not pay for loss arising from:

1. defective materials or craftsmanship; or

2. normal wear and tear, gradual deterioration, inherent vice; or

3. rodents, animals, insects or vermin; or

4. mysterious disappearance; or

5. electrical current, including electric arcing that damages or destroys electrical devices or appliances.

Your Duties in the Event of a Loss

In case of loss, theft or damage to Baggage, you must:

1. immediately report the incident to the hotel manager, tour guide or representative, transportation official, local police or other local authorities and obtain their written report of your loss; and

2. take reasonable steps to protect your Baggage from further damage, and make necessary, reasonable and temporary repairs. We will reimburse you for these expenses. We will not pay for further damage if you fail to protect your Baggage.

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$2,000 per person


We will reimburse you, up to the amount shown in the Schedule, for direct loss, theft, damage or destruction of your Baggage, passports or visas during your Trip, provided you have taken reasonable steps to protect your Baggage against loss, theft, damage and destruction. Under this coverage, we will also provide benefits for the administrative fees to reissue lost, stolen or damaged tickets, visas or passports. We will also pay for loss due to unauthorized use of your credit cards, if you have complied with all of the credit card conditions imposed by the credit card companies.

Valuation and Payment of Loss
Payment of loss under the Baggage Benefit will be calculated based upon an Actual Cash Value basis. For items without receipts, payment of loss will be calculated based upon 75% of the Actual Cash Value at the time of loss. At our option, we may elect to repair or replace your Baggage.

We may take all or part of damaged Baggage as a condition for payment of loss. In the event of a loss to a pair or set of items, we will:

1. repair or replace any part to restore the pair or set to its value before the loss; or

2. pay the difference between the value of the property before and after the loss.

Continuation of Coverage

If the covered Baggage, passports or visas are in the custody of a Common Carrier, and delivery is delayed, this coverage will continue until the property is delivered to you. This continuation of coverage does not include loss caused by or resulting from the delay.

Items Not Covered

We will not pay for damage to or loss of:

1. animals; or

2. Business Equipment, Sporting Equipment, household furniture, musical instruments, brittle or fragile articles; or

3. boats, motors, motorcycles, motor vehicles, aircraft, and other conveyances or equipment, or parts for such conveyances; or

4. artificial limbs or other prosthetic devices, artificial teeth, dental bridges, dentures, dental braces, retainers or other orthodontic devices, hearing aids, any type of eyeglasses, sunglasses or contact lenses; or

5. documents or tickets (except for administrative fees required to reissue tickets, as noted above); or

6. money, stamps, stocks and bonds, postal or money orders, securities, accounts, bills, deeds, food stamps or credit cards, except as noted above; or

7. property shipped as freight or shipped prior to the Scheduled Departure Date; or

8. telephones, computer hardware or software; or

9. consumables, medicines, perfumes, cosmetics and perishables; or

10. items seized by any government, government official or customs official; or

11. illegal drugs and contraband.

Losses Not Covered

We will not pay for loss arising from:

1. defective materials or craftsmanship; or

2. normal wear and tear, gradual deterioration, inherent vice; or

3. rodents, animals, insects or vermin; or

4. mysterious disappearance; or

5. electrical current, including electric arcing that damages or destroys electrical devices or appliances.

Your Duties in the Event of a Loss

In case of loss, theft or damage to Baggage, you must:

1. immediately report the incident to the hotel manager, tour guide or representative, transportation official, local police or other local authorities and obtain their written report of your loss; and

2. take reasonable steps to protect your Baggage from further damage, and make necessary, reasonable and temporary repairs. We will reimburse you for these expenses. We will not pay for further damage if you fail to protect your Baggage.

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Policy Name and Summary of Coverage

iTravelInsured Travel Lite

$750 per person
$250 per item


We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, if Your Baggage and Personal Effects, which are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed during Your Trip or while checked with a Common Carrier less any amount paid or payable by a Common Carrier, hotel, Travel Supplier or any other party responsible for Your loss, provided You have taken all reasonable measures to protect, save and/or recover Your property at all times.

We will also reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for fees associated with the replacement of Your passport, visas and other travel documents which are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed during Your Trip.

Valuation and Payment of Loss:

The lesser of the following amounts will be paid:

a) the Actual Cash Value as determined by Us; or
b) the cost to repair or replace the item with material of a like kind and quality.

Not to exceed the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.

For claimed items without original receipts, payment of loss will be calculated based upon fifty percent (50%) of the Actual Cash Value at the time of loss, not to exceed the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.

We may take all or part of the damaged items at the appraised or agreed value by Us.

In the event of a loss to a pair or set of items, We may choose to:

a) repair or replace any part to restore the pair or set to its value before the loss; or
b) pay the difference between the Actual Cash Value of the items before and after the loss.

If Your payment from a Common Carrier, hotel, Travel Supplier or any other party responsible for Your loss is delayed beyond sixty (60) days from the date of Your loss, We will pay this benefit subject to You signing a release to reimburse Us for any amount paid by the responsible party not to exceed the amount We have reimbursed You.

These benefits will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.

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iTravelInsured Travel SE

$1,500 per person
$250 per item


We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, if Your Baggage and Personal Effects, which are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed during Your Trip or while checked with a Common Carrier less any amount paid or payable by a Common Carrier, hotel, Travel Supplier or any other party responsible for Your loss, provided You have taken all reasonable measures to protect, save and/or recover Your property at all times.

We will also reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for fees associated with the replacement of Your passport, visas and other travel documents which are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed during Your Trip.

Valuation and Payment of Loss:

The lesser of the following amounts will be paid:

a) the Actual Cash Value as determined by Us; or

b) the cost to repair or replace the item with material of a like kind and quality.

Not to exceed the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.

For claimed items without original receipts, payment of loss will be calculated based upon fifty percent (50%) of the Actual Cash Value at the time of loss, not to exceed the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits. We may take all or part of the damaged items at the appraised or agreed value by Us.

In the event of a loss to a pair or set of items, We may choose to:

a) repair or replace any part to restore the pair or set to its value before the loss; or

b) pay the difference between the Actual Cash Value of the items before and after the loss.

If Your payment from a Common Carrier, hotel, Travel Supplier or any other party responsible for Your loss is delayed beyond sixty (60) days from the date of Your loss, We will pay this benefit subject to You signing a release to reimburse Us for any amount paid by the responsible party not to exceed the amount We have reimbursed You.

These benefits will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.

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Patriot America Plus

$500 per occurrence
$50 per item
Checked luggage only


Subject to Terms of this insurance and the limits set forth in the BENEFIT SUMMARY, the Company will reimburse the Insured Person for the cost of lost Checked Luggage when such Luggage was permanently lost in transit by a Common Carrier during the Period of Coverage, subject to the following conditions:

(1) the Insured Person must submit to the Company a copy of the Common Carrier’s claim form and such other documentation as the Company may reasonably require proof that the Insured Person’s Luggage was permanently lost

(2) the Common Carrier must first reimburse the Insured Person the full amount that it is legally required to pay for lost Checked Luggage, and proof of such reimbursement shall be provided to the Company by the Insured Person. Lost Luggage benefits under this insurance will be provided only if and to the extent the amount of the Insured Person’s loss suffered as a result of Lost Luggage exceeds any such reimbursement by the Common Carrier.

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iTravelInsured Travel LX Basic

$2,500 per person
$250 per item


We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, if Your Baggage and Personal Effects, which are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed during Your Trip or while checked with a Common Carrier less any amount paid or payable by a Common Carrier, hotel, Travel Supplier or any other party responsible for Your loss, provided You have taken all reasonable measures to protect, save and/or recover Your property at all times.

We will also reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for fees associated with the replacement of Your passport, visas and other travel documents which are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed during Your Trip.

Valuation and Payment of Loss:

The lesser of the following amounts will be paid:
a) the Actual Cash Value as determined by Us; or
b) the cost to repair or replace the item with material of a like kind and quality.

Not to exceed the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.

For claimed items without original receipts, payment of loss will be calculated based upon fifty percent (50%) of the Actual Cash Value at the time of loss, not to exceed the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits. We may take all or part of the damaged items at the appraised or agreed value by Us.

In the event of a loss to a pair or set of items, We may choose to:

a) repair or replace any part to restore the pair or set to its value before the loss; or

b) pay the difference between the Actual Cash Value of the items before and after the loss.

If Your payment from a Common Carrier, hotel, Travel Supplier or any other party responsible for Your loss is delayed beyond sixty (60) days from the date of Your loss, We will pay this benefit subject to You signing a release to reimburse Us for any amount paid by the responsible party not to exceed the amount We have reimbursed You.

These benefits will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.

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Patriot America Platinum

$500 per occurrence
$50 per item
Checked luggage only


Subject to Terms of this insurance and the limits set forth in the BENEFIT SUMMARY, the Company will reimburse the Insured Person for the cost of lost Checked Luggage when such Luggage was permanently lost in transit by a Common Carrier during the Period of Coverage, subject to the following conditions:

(1) the Insured Person must submit to the Company a copy of the Common Carrier’s claim form and such other documentation as the Company may reasonably require proof that the Insured Person’s Luggage was permanently lost

(2) the Common Carrier must first reimburse the Insured Person the full amount that it is legally required to pay for lost Checked Luggage, and proof of such reimbursement shall be provided to the Company by the Insured Person. Lost Luggage benefits under this insurance will be provided only if and to the extent the amount of the Insured Person’s loss suffered as a result of Lost Luggage exceeds any such reimbursement by the Common Carrier.

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Patriot America Lite

$500 per occurrence
$50 per item
Checked luggage only


Subject to Terms of this insurance and the limits set forth in the BENEFIT SUMMARY, the Company will reimburse the Insured Person for the cost of lost Checked Luggage when such Luggage was permanently lost in transit by a Common Carrier during the Period of Coverage, subject to the following conditions:

(1) the Insured Person must submit to the Company a copy of the Common Carrier’s claim form and such other documentation as the Company may reasonably require proof that the Insured Person’s Luggage was permanently lost

(2) the Common Carrier must first reimburse the Insured Person the full amount that it is legally required to pay for lost Checked Luggage, and proof of such reimbursement shall be provided to the Company by the Insured Person. Lost Luggage benefits under this insurance will be provided only if and to the extent the amount of the Insured Person’s loss suffered as a result of Lost Luggage exceeds any such reimbursement by the Common Carrier.

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Patriot International Lite

$500 per occurrence
$50 per item
Checked luggage only


Subject to Terms of this insurance and the limits set forth in the BENEFIT SUMMARY, the Company will reimburse the Insured Person for the cost of lost Checked Luggage when such Luggage was permanently lost in transit by a Common Carrier during the Period of Coverage, subject to the following conditions:

(1) the Insured Person must submit to the Company a copy of the Common Carrier’s claim form and such other documentation as the Company may reasonably require proof that the Insured Person’s Luggage was permanently lost

(2) the Common Carrier must first reimburse the Insured Person the full amount that it is legally required to pay for lost Checked Luggage, and proof of such reimbursement shall be provided to the Company by the Insured Person. Lost Luggage benefits
under this insurance will be provided only if and to the extent the amount of the Insured Person’s loss suffered as a result of Lost Luggage exceeds any such reimbursement by the Common Carrier.

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Patriot International Platinum

$500 per occurrence
$50 per item
Checked luggage only


Subject to Terms of this insurance and the limits set forth in the BENEFIT SUMMARY, the Company will reimburse the Insured Person for the cost of lost Checked Luggage when such Luggage was permanently lost in transit by a Common Carrier during the Period of Coverage, subject to the following conditions:

(1) the Insured Person must submit to the Company a copy of the Common Carrier’s claim form and such other documentation as the Company may reasonably require proof that the Insured Person’s Luggage was permanently lost

(2) the Common Carrier must first reimburse the Insured Person the full amount that it is legally required to pay for lost Checked Luggage, and proof of such reimbursement shall be provided to the Company by the Insured Person. Lost Luggage benefits under this insurance will be provided only if and to the extent the amount of the Insured Person’s loss suffered as a result of Lost Luggage exceeds any such reimbursement by the Common Carrier.

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iTravelInsured Choice

$1,000 per person
$250 per item


We will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits for theft, damage or destruction of Your Baggage by a third party, or for Common Carrier loss, that occurs during Your Trip provided You have taken reasonable steps to protect, save and/or recover Your property at all times. A loss, damage or destruction report from the Common Carrier or responsible third party, or a police report filed at the time of the theft, must be provided to substantiate any claim for benefits.

We will also reimburse You for fees associated with the replacement of Your passport and visas which are stolen, damaged or destroyed during Your Trip, up to the sub-limit shown in the Schedule of Benefits. We will also reimburse You for charges and interest incurred due to unauthorized use or replacement of Your lost or stolen credit cards if such use or loss occurs during Your Trip, if You have complied with all credit card conditions imposed by the credit card companies, and if the credit card companies are unable to reverse or eliminate the charges, up to the sub-limit shown in the Schedule of Benefits.

Valuation and Payment of Loss:

Payment for losses under this coverage will be calculated based on an Actual Cash Value basis. For items without receipts, payment of losses will be calculated based upon seventy-five percent (75%) of the Actual Cash Value at the time of loss. At Our option, We may elect to repair or replace Your item(s) claimed. We may take all or part of damaged items as a condition of payment for loss. All covered loss items are subject to a per article maximum payable (as indicated in the Schedule of Benefits under “Per Article Maximum”).

In the event of a loss to a pair or set of items, We will:

1. repair or replace any part to restore the pair or set to its value before the loss; or
2. pay the difference between the value of the property before and after the loss.

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John Hancock Insurance Agency, Inc. John Hancock Insurance Agency, Inc.
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage


$750 per person
$250 per item
$750 specific items limit


We will pay You up to the maximum shown on the Schedule of Benefits, for loss, theft or damage to Baggage and personal effects, provided that You, Your Traveling Companion or Your Family Member has taken all reasonable measures to protect, save and/or recover the property at all times. The Baggage and personal effects must be owned by and accompany You during the Covered Trip. Original receipts and a police report from the local jurisdiction (in the event of theft) must be provided for reimbursement. You have checked Your Baggage with a Common Carrier and delivery is delayed, coverage for Baggage will be extended until the Common Carrier delivers the property.

There is a per article limit shown on the Schedule of Benefits. There is a combined maximum limit shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the following: jewelry, watches, articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold or platinum, furs, articles trimmed with or made mostly of fur, sports equipment, radios, cameras, camcorders and their accessories and related equipment and other electronic items.

We will pay You for fees associated with the replacement of Your passport during Your Covered Trip. Receipts are required for reimbursement.

We will also reimburse You for charges and interest incurred due to unauthorized use of Your credit cards if such use occurs during Your Trip and provided that You have complied with all credit card conditions imposed by the credit card companies.

We will pay the lesser of the following:

a) Actual Cash Value, as determined by Us, at time of loss, theft or damage to Baggage and personal effects; or

b) the cost of repair or replacement.

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$1,000 per person
$250 per item
$1,000 specific items limit


We will pay You up to the maximum shown on the Schedule of Benefits, for loss, theft or damage to Baggage and personal effects, provided that You, Your Traveling Companion or Your Family Member has taken all reasonable measures to protect, save and/or recover the property at all times. The Baggage and personal effects must be owned by and accompany You during the Covered Trip. Original receipts and a police report from the local jurisdiction (in the event of theft) must be provided for reimbursement. You have checked Your Baggage with a Common Carrier and delivery is delayed, coverage for Baggage will be extended until the Common Carrier delivers the property.

There is a per article limit shown on the Schedule of Benefits. There is a combined maximum limit shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the following: jewelry, watches, articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold or platinum, furs, articles trimmed with or made mostly of fur, sports equipment, radios, cameras, camcorders and their accessories and related equipment and other electronic items.

We will pay You for fees associated with the replacement of Your passport during Your Covered Trip. Receipts are required for reimbursement.

We will also reimburse You for charges and interest incurred due to unauthorized use of Your credit cards if such use occurs during Your Trip and provided that You have complied with all credit card conditions imposed by the credit card companies.

We will pay the lesser of the following:

a) Actual Cash Value, as determined by Us, at time of loss, theft or damage to Baggage and personal effects; or

b) the cost of repair or replacement.

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$2,500 per person
$250 per item
$2,500 specific items limit


We will pay You up to the maximum shown on the Schedule of Benefits, for loss, theft or damage to Baggage and personal effects, provided that You, Your Traveling Companion or Your Family Member has taken all reasonable measures to protect, save and/or recover the property at all times. The Baggage and personal effects must be owned by and accompany You during the Covered Trip. Original receipts and a police report from the local jurisdiction (in the event of theft) must be provided for reimbursement. You have checked Your Baggage with a Common Carrier and delivery is delayed, coverage for Baggage will be extended until the Common Carrier delivers the property.

There is a per article limit shown on the Schedule of Benefits. There is a combined maximum limit shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the following: jewelry, watches, articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold or platinum, furs, articles trimmed with or made mostly of fur, sports equipment, radios, cameras, camcorders and their accessories and related equipment and other electronic items.

We will pay You for fees associated with the replacement of Your passport during Your Covered Trip. Receipts are required for reimbursement.

We will also reimburse You for charges and interest incurred due to unauthorized use of Your credit cards if such use occurs during Your Trip and provided that You have complied with all credit card conditions imposed by the credit card companies.

We will pay the lesser of the following:

a) Actual Cash Value, as determined by Us, at time of loss, theft or damage to Baggage and personal effects; or

b) the cost of repair or replacement.

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Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage


$600 per person
$250 per item
$500 specific items limit


This coverage is subject to any coverage provided by a Common Carrier and all Other Insurance and shall apply only when such other benefits are exhausted. In order for a claim to be processed under this Coverage, a loss or theft report must be filed with local law enforcement authorities, the Common Carrier, Travel Supplier, tour leader or with a representative of the venue or location where the loss or theft took place.


The Company will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to any applicable sub-limits, if You sustain Loss, theft or damage to baggage and Personal Effects during the Trip, provided You have taken all measures possible to protect, save and/or recover the property at all times. The baggage and Personal Effects must be owned by and accompany You during the Trip.

The Company will pay the lesser of the following:

a) Actual Cash Value at time of Loss, theft or damage to baggage and Personal Effects; or
b) the cost of repair or replacement in like kind and quality.

There will be a per article limit as shown on the Schedule of Benefits.

There will be a combined Maximum Benefit as shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the following: jewelry; watches; articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold or platinum; furs; articles trimmed with or made mostly of fur; cameras and their accessories and related equipment.


If You have checked property with a Common Carrier and delivery is delayed, coverage for Baggage/Personal Effects will be extended until the Common Carrier delivers Your property or declares such property lost, whichever occurs first.

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$2,000 per person
$250 per item
$500 specific items limit


This coverage is subject to any coverage provided by a Common Carrier and shall apply only when such other benefits are exhausted. In order for a claim to be processed under this Coverage, a loss or theft report must be filed with local law enforcement authorities, the Common Carrier, Travel Supplier, tour leader or with a representative of the venue or location where the loss or theft took place.


The Company will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to any applicable sub-limits, if You sustain Loss, theft or damage to baggage and Personal Effects during the Trip, provided You have taken all measures possible to protect, save and/or recover the property at all times. The baggage and Personal Effects must be owned by and accompany You during the Trip.

The Company will pay the lesser of the following:

a) Actual Cash Value at time of Loss, theft or damage to baggage and Personal Effects; or

b) the cost of repair or replacement in like kind and quality.

There will be a per article limit as shown on the Schedule of Benefits.

There will be a combined Maximum Benefit as shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the following: jewelry; watches; articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold or platinum; furs; articles trimmed with or made mostly of fur; cameras and their accessories and related equipment.


If You have checked property with a Common Carrier and delivery is delayed, coverage for Baggage/Personal Effects will be extended until the Common Carrier delivers Your property or declares such property lost, whichever occurs first.

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Cruise Universal

$1,500 per person
$300 per item
$600 specific items limit


This coverage is subject to any coverage provided by a Common Carrier and all Other Insurance and shall apply only when such other benefits are exhausted. In order for a claim to be processed under this Coverage, a loss or theft report must be filed with local law enforcement authorities, the Common Carrier, Travel Supplier, tour leader or with a representative of the venue or location where the loss or theft took place.


The Company will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to any applicable sub-limits, if You sustain Loss, theft or damage to baggage and Personal Effects during the Trip, provided You have taken all measures possible to protect, save and/or recover the property at all times. The baggage and Personal Effects must be owned by and accompany You during the Trip.

The Company will pay the lesser of the following:

a) Actual Cash Value at time of Loss, theft or damage to baggage and Personal Effects; or

b) the cost of repair or replacement in like kind and quality.

There will be a per article limit as shown on the Schedule of Benefits.

There will be a combined Maximum Benefit as shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the following: jewelry; watches; articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold or platinum; furs; articles trimmed with or made mostly of fur; Personal Computers; cameras and their accessories and related equipment.


If You have checked property with a Common Carrier and delivery is delayed, coverage for Baggage/Personal Effects will be extended until the Common Carrier delivers Your property or declares such property lost, whichever occurs first.

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Cruise Choice

$2,500 per person
$300 per item
$600 specific items limit


This coverage is subject to any coverage provided by a Common Carrier and all Other Insurance and shall apply only when such other benefits are exhausted. In order for a claim to be processed under this Coverage, a loss or theft report must be filed with local law enforcement authorities, the Common Carrier, Travel Supplier, tour leader or with a representative of the venue or location where the loss or theft took place.


The Company will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to any applicable sub-limits, if You sustain Loss, theft or damage to baggage and Personal Effects during the Trip, provided You have taken all measures possible to protect, save and/or recover the property at all times. The baggage and Personal Effects must be owned by and accompany You during the Trip.

The Company will pay the lesser of the following:

a) Actual Cash Value at time of Loss, theft or damage to baggage and Personal Effects; or

b) the cost of repair or replacement in like kind and quality.

There will be a per article limit as shown on the Schedule of Benefits.

There will be a combined Maximum Benefit as shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the following: jewelry; watches; articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold or platinum; furs; articles trimmed with or made mostly of fur; Personal Computers; cameras and their accessories and related equipment.


If You have checked property with a Common Carrier and delivery is delayed, coverage for Baggage/Personal Effects will be extended until the Common Carrier delivers Your property or declares such property lost, whichever occurs first.

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Cruise Luxury

$2,500 per person
$500 per item
$1,000 specific items limit


This coverage is subject to any coverage provided by a Common Carrier and all Other Insurance and shall apply only when such other benefits are exhausted. In order for a claim to be processed under this Coverage, a loss or theft report must be filed with local law enforcement authorities, the Common Carrier, Travel Supplier, tour leader or with a representative of the venue or location where the loss or theft took place.


The Company will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to any applicable sub-limits, if You sustain Loss, theft or damage to baggage and Personal Effects during the Trip, provided You have taken all measures possible to protect, save and/or recover the property at all times. The baggage and Personal Effects must be owned by and accompany You during the Trip.

The Company will pay the lesser of the following:

a) Actual Cash Value at time of Loss, theft or damage to baggage and Personal Effects; or
b) the cost of repair or replacement in like kind and quality.

There will be a per article limit as shown on the Schedule of Benefits.

There will be a combined Maximum Benefit as shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the following:
jewelry; watches; articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold or platinum; furs; articles trimmed with or made mostly of fur; Personal Computers; cameras and their accessories and related equipment.


If You have checked property with a Common Carrier and delivery is delayed, coverage for Baggage/Personal Effects will be extended until the Common Carrier delivers Your property or declares such property lost, whichever occurs first.

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Seven Corners Seven Corners
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage

Trip Protection Choice

$2,500 per person
$250 per item
$1,000 specific items limit


We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, if Your Baggage and Personal Effects are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed during Your Trip or while checked with a Common Carrier less any amount paid or payable by a Common Carrier, hotel, Travel Supplier or any other party responsible for Your loss, provided You have taken all reasonable measures to protect, save and/or recover Your property at all times.

We will also reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for fees associated with the replacement of Your passport, visas and other travel documents which are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed during Your Trip and for charges and interest incurred due to unauthorized use or replacement of Your lost or stolen credit cards if such use or loss occurs during Your Trip, subject to verification that You have complied with all conditions of the credit card company.

Valuation and Payment of Loss:

the lesser of the following amounts will be paid:
a. the Actual Cash Value as determined by Us;
b. the cost to repair or replace the item with material of a like kind and quality.

Not to exceed the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.

In the event of a loss to a pair or set of items, We may choose to:
a. repair or replace any part to restore the pair or set to its value before the loss; or
b. pay the difference between the current replacement cost of the items before and after the loss.

Items subject to Special Limitations

The following items are subject to the maximum combined amount(s) shown in the Schedule of Benefits: jewelry, precious or semi-precious gems, decorative or personal articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold, or platinum, watches, furs or articles trimmed with fur, cameras and camera equipment.

These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.

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Trip Protection Basic

$500 per person
$250 per item
$500 specific items limit


We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, if Your Baggage and Personal Effects, are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed during Your Trip or while checked with a Common Carrier less any amount paid or payable by a Common Carrier, hotel, Travel Supplier or any other party responsible for Your loss, provided You have taken all reasonable measures to protect, save and/or recover Your property at all times.

We will also reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for charges and interest incurred due to unauthorized use or replacement of Your lost or stolen credit cards if such use or loss occurs during Your Trip, subject to verification that You have complied with all conditions of the credit card company.

Valuation and Payment of Loss:

the lesser of the following amounts will be paid:

a. the Actual Cash Value as determined by Us;
b. the cost to repair or replace the item with material of a like kind and quality.

Not to exceed the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.

In the event of a loss to a pair or set of items, We may choose to:

a. repair or replace any part to restore the pair or set to its value before the loss; or
b. pay the difference between the current replacement cost of the items before and after the loss.

Items subject to Special Limitations

The following items are subject to the maximum combined amount(s) shown in the Schedule of Benefits: jewelry, precious or semi-precious gems, decorative or personal articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold, or platinum, watches, furs or articles trimmed with fur, cameras and camera equipment.

These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.

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Travel Medical Basic incl US

$250 per person
$50 per item
Checked luggage only

6.5 Loss of Checked Baggage.

The Company will reimburse You up to the amount in the Schedule of Benefits for lost or damaged baggage and personal effects owned by You and checked with a Common Carrier, provided You have taken all reasonable measures to protect, save, and recover the property.

Reimbursement will be for the least of (i) the actual cash value (cost less proper deduction for depreciation at the time of loss); (ii) the cost to repair or replace the article with material of a like kind and quality; or (iii) the per article limit in the Schedule of Benefits. This coverage is secondary to any coverage provided by the Common Carrier, and You will be required to furnish proof to the Company that the Common Carrier has either denied Your claim or paid the full amount that it is legally required to pay. You may also be required to submit any other documentation as the Company may reasonably require.

The coverage provided under this section does not cover animals, automobiles or automobile equipment, boats, motors, motorcycles, other conveyances, or their appurtenances except bicycles while checked as baggage with a Common Carrier, household furniture, eyeglasses or contact lenses, artificial teeth or dental bridges, hearing aids, prosthetic limbs, musical instruments, money or securities, tickets or documents, or sporting equipment if loss or damage results from the use thereof.

These benefits will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the Plan, or any coverage(s) attached to the Plan.

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Travel Medical Choice incl US

$500 per person
$50 per item
Checked luggage only

6.5 Loss of Checked Baggage.

The Company will reimburse You up to the amount in the Schedule of Benefits for lost or damaged baggage and personal effects owned by You and checked with a Common Carrier, provided You have taken all reasonable measures to protect, save, and recover the property. Reimbursement will be for the least of (i) the actual cash value (cost less proper deduction for depreciation at the time of loss); (ii) the cost to repair or replace the article with material of a like kind and quality; or(iii) the per article limit in the Schedule of Benefits. This coverage is secondary to any coverage provided by the Common Carrier, and You will be required to furnish proof to the Company that the Common Carrier has either denied Your claim or paid the full amount that it is legally required to pay. You may also be required to submit any other documentation as the Company may reasonably require.

The coverage provided under this section does not cover animals, automobiles or automobile equipment, boats, motors, motorcycles, other conveyances, or their appurtenances except bicycles while checked as baggage with a Common Carrier, household furniture, eyeglasses or contact lenses, artificial teeth or dental bridges, hearing aids, prosthetic limbs, musical instruments, money or securities, tickets or documents, or sporting equipment if loss or damage results from the use thereof.

These benefits will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the Plan, or any coverage(s) attached to the Plan.

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$2,000 per person
$250 per item
$1,000 specific items limit


We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, if Your Baggage and Personal Effects, which are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed during Your Trip or while checked with a Common Carrier less any amount paid or payable by a Common Carrier, hotel, Travel Supplier or any other party responsible for Your loss, provided You have taken all reasonable measures to protect, save and/or recover Your property at all times.

We will also reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for fees associated with the replacement of Your passport, visas and other travel documents which are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed during Your Trip.

In the event of a loss to a pair or set of items, We may choose to:a. repair or replace any part to restore the pair or set to its value before the loss; orb. pay the difference between the current replacement cost of the items before and after the loss

Valuation and Payment of Loss

The lesser of the following amounts will be paid:
a) the Actual Cash Value as determined by Us; or
b) the cost to repair or replace the item with material of a like kind and quality

Not to exceed the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits

Items Subject to Special Limitations

The following items are subject to the maximum combined amount(s) shown in the Schedule of Benefits: jewelry, precious or semi-precious gems, decorative or personal articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold, or platinum, watches, furs or articles trimmed with fur, cameras, and camera equipment. These benefit(s) will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy, or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.

Exclusions and limitations apply to Baggage and Personal Effects, Travel Documents, and Baggage Delay:

We will not provide benefits for any loss or damage for the following items:
a) animals;
b) automobiles and automobile equipment;
c) boats or other vehicles or conveyances;
d) motorcycles;
e) trailers;
f) motors;
g) aircraft;
h) bicycles, except when checked as baggage with a Common Carrier;
i) household effects and furnishings;
j) antiques and collectors’ items;
k) any type of or repair or replacement of any type of eyeglasses, sunglasses, contact lenses, artificial teeth, dentures, dental braces, dental bridges, retainers or other orthodontic devices, or hearing aids;
l) artificial limbs or other prosthetic devices;
m) prescribed medications;
n) keys, money, stamps, and credit cards (except as otherwise specifically covered herein);
o) securities, stamps, tickets, and documents (except as coverage is otherwise specifically provided herein);
p) professional or occupational equipment or property, whether or not electronic business equipment;
q) sports equipment if the loss results from the use thereof;
r) telephones or wireless devices, computer hardware or software;
s) computers (including personal computers and laptops), digital or electronic equipment or media;
t) contraband

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Tin Leg Tin Leg
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage


$500 per person
$100 first item limit
$100 subsequent items limit
$500 specific items limit


If Your Baggage, personal effects, passports, travel documents and visas are lost, damaged, or stolen during Your Trip, the Company will pay the lesser of: a) the cash value (original cash value less depreciation) as determined by the Company or, b) the cost of replacement, up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule subject to the special limitations shown below.

Special Limitations:

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company will cover up to the maximum amount indicated for the following:

• $100 for the first item
• $100 per each additional item
• $500 aggregate on all Losses to: jewelry, watches, furs, cameras and camera equipment, camcorders, computers, electronic devices, including but not limited to: lap top computers, cell phones, electronic organizers and portable CD players. Items over $150 must be accompanied by original receipts. If receipts are not provided, no benefits are payable.

The Company may take all or part of the damaged Baggage at the appraised or agreed value. In the event of a Loss to a pair or set of items, the Company may choose to:

a) repair or replace any part to restore the pair or set to its value before the Loss; or

b) pay the difference between the cash value of the Baggage before and after the Loss.

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$500 per person
$100 first item limit
$100 subsequent items limit
$500 specific items limit


The Company will reimburse up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule, subject to the limitations below, if the Insured’s Baggage, personal effects, passports, Travel Documents, sporting or golf equipment, or visas are lost, damaged, or stolen during the Trip. The Company will reimburse the lesser of:

a) the price paid at the time of original purchase or
b) the cost of replacement.

Special Limitations:

The Company will cover up to the maximum amount indicated forthe following:

1. The amount shown in the Schedule for the first item
2. The amount shown in the Schedule per each additional item
3. The Aggregate amount shown in the Schedule for all Losses to: jewelry, watches, furs, and electronic devices.

No benefits are payable for items over $150 if not accompanied by original receipts.

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$500 per person
$100 first item limit
$100 subsequent items limit
$500 specific items limit
$25 deductible


If Your Baggage, personal effects, passports, travel documents and visas are lost, damaged, or stolen during Your Trip, the Company will pay the lesser of: a) the cash value (original cash value less depreciation) as determined by the Company or, b) the cost of replacement, up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule subject to the special limitations shown below.

Special Limitations:

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company will cover up to the maximum amount indicated for the following:

• $100 for the first item

• $100 per each additional item

• $500 aggregate on all Losses to: jewelry, watches, furs, cameras and camera equipment, camcorders, computers, electronic devices, including but not limited to: lap top computers, cell phones, electronic organizers and portable CD players. Items over $150 must be accompanied by original receipts. If receipts are not provided, no benefits are payable.

The Company may take all or part of the damaged Baggage at the appraised or agreed value. In the event of a Loss to a pair or set of items, the Company may choose to:

a) repair or replace any part to restore the pair or set to its value before the Loss; or

b) pay the difference between the cash value of the Baggage before and after the Loss.

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$500 per person
$100 first item limit
$100 subsequent items limit
$500 specific items limit
$25 deductible


The Company will reimburse up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule, subject to the limitations below, if theInsured’s Baggage, personal effects, passports, Travel Documents, sporting or golf equipment, or visas are lost, damaged, or stolen during the Trip. The Company will reimburse the lesser of:

a) the price paid at the time of original purchase or

b) the cost of replacement.

Special Limitations:
The Company will cover up to the maximum amount indicated for the following:

1. The amount shown in the Schedule for the first item

2. The amount shown in the Schedule per each additional item

3. The Aggregate amount shown in the Schedule for all Losses to: jewelry, watches, furs, and electronic devices.

No benefits are payable for items over $150 if not accompanied by original receipts.

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$500 per person
$100 first item limit
$100 subsequent items limit
$500 specific items limit


If Your Baggage, personal effects, passports, travel documents or visas are lost, damaged, or stolen during Your Trip, the Company will pay the lesser of: a) the cash value (original cash value less depreciation) as determined by the Company or, b) the cost of replacement, up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule subject to the special limitations shown below.

Special Limitations:

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company will cover up to the maximum amount indicated for the following:

● $100 for the first item
● $100 per each additional item
● $500 aggregate on all Losses to: jewelry, watches, furs, cameras and camera equipment, camcorders, computers, electronic devices, including but not limited to: lap top computers, cell phones, electronic organizers and portable CD players.

Items over $150 must be accompanied by original receipts. If receipts are not provided, no benefits are payable.

The Company may take all or part of the damaged Baggage at the appraised or agreed value. In the event of a Loss to a pair or set of items, the Company may choose to:

a) repair or replace any part to restore the pair or set to its value before the Loss; or

b) pay the difference between the cash value of the Baggage before and after the Loss.

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$500 per person
$100 first item limit
$100 subsequent items limit
$500 specific items limit


The Company will reimburse up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule, subject to the limitations below, if the Insured’s Baggage, personal effects, passports, Travel Documents, sporting or golf equipment, or visas are lost, damaged, or stolen during the Trip. The Company will reimburse the lesser of:

a) the price paid at the time of original purchase or

b) the cost of replacement.

Special Limitations:
The Company will cover up to the maximum amount indicated for the following:

1. The amount shown in the Schedule for the first item

2. The amount shown in the Schedule per each additional item

3. The Aggregate amount shown in the Schedule for all Losses to: jewelry, watches, furs, and electronic devices.

No benefits are payable for items over $150 if not accompanied by original receipts.

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$1,000 per person
$500 first item limit
$250 subsequent items limit
$500 specific items limit


If Your Baggage, personal effects, passports, travel documents, sporting or golf equipment and visas are lost, damaged, or stolen during Your Trip, the Company will pay the lesser of: a) the cash value (original cash value less depreciation) as determined by the Company or, b) the cost of replacement, up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule subject to the special limitations shown below.

Special Limitations:

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company will cover up to the maximum amount indicated for the following:

• $500 for the first item

• $500 per each additional item

• $500 aggregate on all Losses to: jewelry, watches, furs, cameras and camera equipment, camcorders, sporting, golf equipment, computers, electronic devices, including but not limited to: lap top computers, cell phones, electronic organizers and portable CD players.

Items over $150 must be accompanied by original receipts. If receipts are not provided, no benefits are payable.

The Company may take all or part of the damaged Baggage or sporting and golf equipment at the appraised or agreed value. In the event of a Loss to a pair or set of items, the Company may choose to:

a) repair or replace any part to restore the pair or set to its value before the Loss; or

b) pay the difference between the cash value of the Baggage before and after the Loss.

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$1,000 per person
$500 first item limit
$250 subsequent items limit
$500 specific items limit


The Company will reimburse up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule, subject to the limitations below, if the Insured’s Baggage, personal effects, passports, Travel Documents, sporting or golf equipment, or visas are lost, damaged, or stolen during the Trip. The Company will reimburse the lesser of:

a) the price paid at the time of original purchase or
b) the cost of replacement.

Special Limitations:

The Company will cover up to the maximum amount indicated for the following:
1. The amount shown in the Schedule for the first item
2. The amount shown in the Schedule per each additional item
3. The Aggregate amount shown in the Schedule for all Losses to: jewelry, watches, furs, and electronic devices.

No benefits are payable for items over $150 if not accompanied by original receipts.

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$500 per person
$100 per item
$250 specific items limit


We will pay You up to the maximum shown on the Schedule of Benefits, for loss, theft or damage to Baggage and personal effects, provided that You, Your Traveling Companion or Your Family Member has taken all reasonable measures to protect, save and/or recover the property at all times. The Baggage and personal effects must be owned by and accompany You during the Covered Trip. Original receipts and a police report from the local jurisdiction (in the event of theft) must be provided for reimbursement. You have checked Your Baggage with a Common Carrier and delivery is delayed, coverage for Baggage will be extended until the Common Carrier delivers the property.

There is a per article limit shown on the Schedule of Benefits. There is a combined maximum limit shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the following: jewelry, watches, articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold or platinum, furs, articles trimmed with or made mostly of fur, sports equipment, radios, cameras, camcorders and their accessories and related equipment and other electronic items.

We will pay You for fees associated with the replacement of Your passport during Your Covered Trip. Receipts are required for reimbursement.

We will also reimburse You for charges and interest incurred due to unauthorized use of Your credit cards if such use occurs during Your Trip and provided that You have complied with all credit card conditions imposed by the credit card companies.

We will pay the lesser of the following:

a) Actual Cash Value, as determined by Us, at time of loss, theft or damage to Baggage and personal effects; or

b) the cost of repair or replacement.

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$500 policy limit
$150 per item
$25 deductible


We will pay you the lesser of:

a. The actual cash value as determined by us; or

b. The cost of replacement, up to the maximum limit shown in the schedule of benefits, and subject to the special limitations shown below, for loss, theft or damage to your baggage and personal effects during your covered trip.

We will also pay for fees incurred to ship your baggage and personal effects to your location if the lost items are recovered. Benefits are payable only after satisfaction of the deductible shown in the schedule of benefits.

Special Limitations:

We will reimburse you up to:

a. One hundred dollars fifty dollars ($150) per item.

Items over one hundred fifty dollars ($150) must be accompanied by original receipts. If receipts are not provided, the maximum amount payable will be one hundred fifty dollars ($150).

In the event of a loss to a pair or set of items, we will pay the lesser of:

a. The cost to repair or purchase the individual item(s) needed to complete the set or pair; or

b. The original purchase price of the set or pair.

In the event of a loss of your prescription medication, we will reimburse you only for the cost to replace the amount of prescriptions drugs that were lost, stolen, or damaged. The prescribing physician must authorize the replacement and it must be legally permissible to replace the prescription at your location.

Baggage and Personal Effects Exclusions:

In addition to the General Limitations and Exclusions, the following exclusions apply to the Baggage and Personal Effects benefit. No benefits will be paid for:

a. Loss of, or damage to, motor vehicles;
b. Loss of, or damage to, artificial prosthetic devices, false teeth, any type of eyeglasses, sunglasses, contact lenses, or hearing aids;
c. Loss of, or damage to, keys, notes, securities, accounts, deeds, food stamps, bills, or other evidences of debt, money, stamps, stocks and bonds, postal or money orders, and tickets;
d. Loss of, or damage to, property shipped as freight, or shipped prior to the departure date;
e. Loss of, or damage to, contraband;
f. Loss of, or damage to, items seized by any government official or customs official;
g. Damage caused by any process of repair;
h. Loss resulting from defective materials or craftsmanship;
i. Damage caused by radioactive contamination;
j. Loss resulting from mysterious disappearance;
k. Loss resulting from normal wear and tear or deterioration; or
n. Any loss that occurs on a covered trip with a destination less than one hundred (100) miles from your primary residence, or on a covered trip that is not overnight in length.

Baggage Proof of Loss

You must provide us or our designated representative with the following:
a. An accident, police, or incident report providing details of the incident;
b. Receipts for all items being claimed;
c. A copy of a repair invoice or estimate, if the claim is for damaged baggage;
d. Documentation showing any received or expected settlements, refunds or credits for this loss from any other party; and
e. A copy of homeowner’s or renter’s insurance declarations page, along with a copy of the Explanation] of Benefits from such insurance.

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$500 policy limit
$25 deductible


We will pay you the lesser of:

a. The actual cash value as determined by us; or
b. The cost of replacement, up to the maximum limit shown in the schedule of benefits, for loss, theft or damage to your baggage, personal effects and sportsman’s equipment during your covered trip.

We will also pay for fees incurred to ship your baggage, personal effects and sportsman’s equipment to your location if the lost items are recovered. Benefits are payable only after satisfaction of the deductible shown in the schedule of benefits.

Items over one hundred fifty dollars ($150) must be accompanied by original receipts. If receipts are not provided, the maximum amount payable will be one hundred fifty dollars ($150).

In the event of a loss to a pair or set of items, we will pay the lesser of:

a. The cost to repair or purchase the individual item(s) needed to complete the set or pair; or
b. The original purchase price of the set or pair.

In the event of a loss of your prescription medication, we will reimburse you only for the cost to replace the amount of prescriptions drugs that were lost, stolen, or damaged. The prescribing physician must authorize the replacement and it must be legally permissible to replace the prescription at your location.

Baggage and Personal Effects Exclusions:

In addition to the General Limitations and Exclusions, the following exclusions apply to the Baggage and Personal Effects benefit. No benefits will be paid for:

a. Loss of, or damage to, motor vehicles;
b. Loss of, or damage to, artificial prosthetic devices, false teeth, any type of eyeglasses, sunglasses, contact lenses, or hearing aids;
c. Loss of, or damage to, keys, notes, securities, accounts, deeds, food stamps, bills, or other evidences of debt, money, stamps, stocks and bonds, postal or money orders, and tickets;
d. Loss of, or damage to, property shipped as freight, or shipped prior to the departure date;
e. Loss of, or damage to, contraband;
f. Loss of, or damage to, items seized by any government official or customs official;
g. Damage caused by any process of repair;
h. Loss resulting from defective materials or craftsmanship;
i. Damage caused by radioactive contamination;
j. Loss resulting from mysterious disappearance;
k. Loss resulting from normal wear and tear or deterioration; or
n. Any loss that occurs on a covered trip with a destination less than one hundred (100) miles from your primary residence, or on a covered trip that is not overnight in length.

Baggage Proof of Loss

You must provide us or our designated representative with the following:

a. An accident, police, or incident report providing details of the incident;
b. Receipts for all items being claimed;
c. A copy of a repair invoice or estimate, if the claim is for damaged baggage;
d. Documentation showing any received or expected settlements, refunds or credits for this loss from any other party; and
e. A copy of homeowner’s or renter’s insurance declarations page, along with a copy of the Explanation of Benefits from such insurance.

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$2,500 per person
$250 per item
$1,250 specific items limit


We will pay You up to the maximum shown on the Schedule of Benefits for Loss, theft or damage to Baggage and personal effects, provided that You, Your Traveling Companion or Your Immediate Family Member has taken all reasonable measures to protect, save and/or recover the property at all times. The Baggage and personal effects must be owned by and accompany You during the Covered Trip. Original receipts and a police report from the local jurisdiction (in the event of theft) must be provided for reimbursement. You have checked Your Baggage with a Common Carrier and delivery is delayed, coverage for Baggage will be extended until the Common Carrier delivers the property.

There is a per article limit shown on the Schedule of Benefits. There is a combined maximum limit shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the following: jewelry, watches, articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold or platinum; furs, articles trimmed with or made mostly of fur, sports equipment, radios, cameras, camcorders and their accessories and related equipment and other electronic items.

We will pay You for fees associated with the replacement of Your passport during Your Covered Trip. Receipts are required for reimbursement. We will also reimburse You for charges and interest incurred due to unauthorized use of Your credit cards if such use occurs during Your Trip and provided that You have complied with all credit card conditions imposed by the credit card companies. We will pay the lesser of the following:

a. Actual Cash Value, as determined by Us, at time of Loss, theft or damage to Baggage and personal effects; or
b. the cost of repair or replacement.

In addition to the General Limitations and Exclusions, the following exclusions apply to the Baggage/Personal Effects Benefit.

We will not provide benefits for any Loss or damage to:
1. animals;
2. automobiles and automobile equipment;
3. boats or other vehicles or conveyances;
4. trailers;
5. motors;
6. motorcycles;
7. aircraft;
8. bicycles (except when checked as Baggage with a Common Carrier);
9. eyeglasses, sunglasses or contact lenses;
10. artificial teeth and dental bridges;
11. hearing aids;
12. prosthetic limbs;
13. keys, money, stamps, securities and documents;
14. tickets for entertainment events or other source of leisure activities;
15. art objects and musical instruments;
16. consumables including medicines, perfumes, cosmetics, and perishables;
17. professional or occupational equipment or property, whether or not electronic, Business Equipment;
18. cellphones, computer and computer hardware or software; electronic computer devices; or
19. property illegally acquired, kept, stored or transported.

Any Loss caused by or resulting from the following is excluded:

1. wear and tear or gradual deterioration;
2. breakage of brittle or fragile articles;
3. insects or vermin;
4. inherent vice or damage while the article is actually being worked upon or processed;
5. confiscation or expropriation by order of any government;
6. radioactive contamination;
7. war or any act of war whether declared or not;
8. property shipped as freight or shipped prior to the Scheduled Departure Date.
9. delay or loss of market value;
10. indirect or consequential loss or damage of any kind;
11. theft or pilferage while left unattended in any vehicle if the vehicle is not property secured;
12. electrical current including electric arcing that damages or destroys electrical devices or appliances; or
13. mysterious disappearance.

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$500 per person
$250 per item
$250 specific items limit


We will pay You up to the maximum shown on the Schedule of Benefits for Loss, theft or damage to Baggage and personal effects, provided that You, Your Traveling Companion or Your Immediate Family Member has taken all reasonable measures to protect, save and/or recover the property at all times. The Baggage and personal effects must be owned by and accompany You during the Covered Trip. Original receipts and a police report from the local jurisdiction (in the event of theft) must be provided for reimbursement. You have checked Your Baggage with a Common Carrier and delivery is delayed, coverage for Baggage will be extended until the Common Carrier delivers the property.

There is a per article limit shown on the Schedule of Benefits. There is a combined maximum limit shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the following: jewelry, watches, articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold or platinum; furs, articles trimmed with or made mostly of fur, sports equipment, radios, cameras, camcorders and their accessories and related equipment and other electronic items.

We will pay You for fees associated with the replacement of Your passport during Your Covered Trip. Receipts are required for reimbursement. We will also reimburse You for charges and interest incurred due to unauthorized use of Your credit cards if such use occurs during Your Trip and provided that You have complied with all credit card conditions imposed by the credit card companies. We will pay the lesser of the following:

a. Actual Cash Value, as determined by Us, at time of Loss, theft or damage to Baggage and personal effects; or
b. the cost of repair or replacement.

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Travel Insured International Travel Insured International
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage

Worldwide Trip Protector Plus

$1,000 per person
$250 per item
$500 specific items limit


Benefits will be provided to You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Confirmation of Benefits: a) against all risks of permanent loss, theft or damage to Your Baggage and Personal Effects; b) subject to all General Exclusions and the Additional Limitations and Exclusions Specific to Baggage and Personal Effects in the Policy; and c) occurring while coverage is in effect.

For the purposes of this benefit: “Baggage and Personal Effects” means goods being used by You during Your Trip.

Valuation and Payment of Loss: The lesser of the following amounts will be paid:

1) the Actual Cash Value at the time of loss, theft or damage, except as provided below;

2) the cost to repair or replace the article with material of a like kind and quality; or

3) $250 per article.

A combined maximum of $500 will be paid for jewelry; precious or semi-precious stones; watches; articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold or platinum; furs or articles trimmed with fur; cameras and their accessories and related equipment, computer, digital or electronic equipment or media.

A maximum of $100 will be paid for the cost of replacing a passport or visa.

A maximum of $100 will be paid for the cost associated with the unauthorized use or replacement of lost or stolen credit cards, subject to verification that You have complied with all conditions of the credit card company.

Baggage and Personal Effects does not include:

1) animals;

2) automobiles and automobile equipment;

3) boats or other vehicles or conveyances;

4) trailers;

5) motors;

6) aircraft;

7) bicycles, except when checked as baggage with a Common Carrier;

8) household effects and furnishings;

9) antiques and collectors items;

10) eyeglasses, sunglasses, contact lenses, artificial teeth, dentures, dental bridges, retainers, or other orthodontic devices or hearing aids;

11) artificial limbs or other prosthetic devices;

12) prescribed medications;

13) keys, money, stamps and credit cards (except as otherwise specifically covered herein);

14) securities, stamps, tickets and documents (except as coverage is otherwise specifically provided herein);

15) professional or occupational equipment or property, whether or not electronic business equipment; or

16) sporting equipment if the loss results from the use thereof;

Additional Limitations and Exclusions Specific to Baggage and Personal Effects:

Benefits are not payable for any loss caused by or resulting from:

a) breakage of brittle or fragile articles;

b) wear and tear or gradual deterioration;

c) confiscation or appropriation by order of any government or custom’s rule;

d) theft or pilferage while left in any unlocked or unattended vehicle;

e) property illegally acquired, kept, stored or transported;

f) Your negligent acts or omissions; or

g) property shipped as freight or shipped prior to the Scheduled Departure Date;

h) electrical current, including electric arcing that damages or destroys electrical devices or appliances.

Additional Provisions applicable to Baggage and Personal Effects and Baggage Delay:

Benefits will not be paid for any expenses which have been reimbursed or for any services which have been provided by the Common Carrier, hotel or Travel Supplier; nor will benefits be paid for loss or damage to property specifically scheduled under any other insurance.

Additional Claims Provisions Specific to Baggage

Your Duties After Loss of or Damage to Property or Delay of Baggage: In case of loss, theft, damage or delay of baggage or personal effects, and You must:

a) take all reasonable steps to protect, save or recover the property:

b) promptly notify, in writing, either the police, hotel proprietors, ship lines, airlines, railroad, bus, airport or other station authorities, tour operators or group leaders, or any Common Carrier or bailee who has custody of Your property at the time of loss:

c) produce records needed to verify the claim and its amount and permit copies to be made:

d) send proof of loss as soon as reasonably possible after date of loss, providing date, time, and cause of loss, and a complete list of damaged/lost items : and

e) allow the company to examine baggage or personal effects, if requested.

These benefits will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the Policy or any coverage(s) attached to the Policy.

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Worldwide Trip Protector

$1,000 per person
$250 per item
$500 specific items limit


We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, if Your Baggage and Personal Effects, which are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed during Your Trip or while checked with a Common Carrier less any amount paid or payable by a Common Carrier, hotel, Travel Supplier or any other party responsible for Your loss, provided You have taken all reasonable measures to protect, save and/or recover Your property at all times.

We will also reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for fees associated with the replacement of Your passport, visas and other travel documents which are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed during Your Trip and for charges and interest incurred due to unauthorized use or replacement of Your lost or stolen credit cards if such use or loss occurs during Your Trip, subject to verification that You have complied with all conditions of the credit card company.

Valuation and Payment of Loss:

the lesser of the following amounts will be paid:

a. the Actual Cash Value as determined by Us; or
b. the cost to repair or replace the item with material of a like kind and quality.

not to exceed the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.

Items subject to Special Limitations

The following items are subject to the maximum combined amount(s) shown in the Schedule of Benefits: jewelry, precious or semi-precious gems, decorative or personal articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold, or platinum, watches, furs or articles trimmed with fur, cameras and camera equipment, computers, and other digital or electronic equipment or media.

These benefits will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.

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Worldwide Trip Protector Edge

$750 per person
$250 per item
$500 specific items limit


We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, if Your Baggage and Personal Effects, which are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed during Your Trip or while checked with a Common Carrier less any amount paid or payable by a Common Carrier, hotel, Travel Supplier or any other party responsible for Your loss, provided You have taken all reasonable measures to protect, save and/or recover Your property at all times.

We will also reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for fees associated with the replacement of Your passport, visas and other travel documents which are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed during Your Trip and for charges and interest incurred due to unauthorized use or replacement of Your lost or stolen credit cards if such use or loss occurs during Your Trip, subject to verification that You have complied with all conditions of the credit card company.

Valuation and Payment of Loss:

the lesser of the following amounts will be paid:
a. the Actual Cash Value as determined by Us; or
b. the cost to repair or replace the item with material of a like kind and quality.

not to exceed the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.

Items subject to Special Limitations

The following items are subject to the maximum combined amount(s) shown in the Schedule of Benefits: jewelry, precious or semi-precious gems, decorative or personal articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold, or platinum, watches, furs or articles trimmed with fur, cameras and camera equipment, computers, and other digital or electronic equipment or media.

These benefits will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.

Passport, Visa or Other Travel Documents Replacement – flat amount $100
Credit Card charges and interest – flat amount $100

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$1,000 per person
$250 per item


We will reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, if Your Baggage and Personal Effects, which are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed during Your Trip or while checked with a Common Carrier less any amount paid or payable by a Common Carrier, hotel, Travel Supplier or any other party responsible for Your loss, provided You have taken all reasonable measures to protect, save and/or recover Your property at all times.

We will also reimburse You, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, for fees associated with the replacement of Your passport, visas and other travel documents which are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed during Your Trip and for charges and interest incurred due to unauthorized use or replacement of Your lost or stolen credit cards if such use or loss occurs during Your Trip, subject to verification that You have complied with all conditions of the credit card company.

Valuation and Payment of Loss:

the lesser of the following amounts will be paid:

a. the Actual Cash Value as determined by Us; or

b. the cost to repair or replace the item with material of a like kind and quality.

not to exceed the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.

Items subject to Special Limitations

The following items are subject to the maximum combined amount(s) shown in the Schedule of Benefits: jewelry, precious or semi-precious gems, decorative or personal articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold, or platinum, watches, furs or articles trimmed with fur, cameras and camera equipment, computers, and other digital or electronic equipment or media.

These benefits will not duplicate any other benefits payable under the policy or any coverage(s) attached to the policy.

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Travelex Insurance Services Travelex Insurance Services
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage


$2,000 per person
$500 per item
$500 specific items limit


Subject to SECTION II – EFFECTIVE AND TERMINATION DATES OF INSURANCE, A. EFFECTIVE DATE, the Insured’s coverage under the Baggage and Personal Effects Benefit will take effect on the Scheduled Date of Departure.

We will reimburse the Insured for a Baggage and Personal Effects Benefit, for direct loss, theft, damage or destruction of his/her Baggage, Personal Effects, passports or visas during the Insured’s Covered Trip, up to the corresponding Maximum Covered Amount per Insured shown in the Schedule, provided the Insured takes all reasonable measures to preserve, protect or recover the Baggage. We will also pay for loss due to unauthorized use of the Insured’s credit cards that are not forgiven or otherwise waived by the applicable credit card companies, if the Insured has complied with all of the credit card conditions imposed by the credit card companies. This coverage is primary to other forms of insurance or indemnity. The maximum amount We will reimburse for any one item is limited to the Per Item Limit shown in the Schedule.

Additional Baggage and Personal Effects Benefits:

The following benefits are in addition to, and not included within, the Baggage and Personal Effects Benefit Maximum Covered Amount per Insured shown in the Schedule.

Baggage and Personal Effects Benefit $3,000 per person- optional upgrade

Electronic and Professional Equipment Benefit $2,000 per person – optional upgrade

We will reimburse the Insured for an Electronic and Professional Equipment Benefit, for loss, theft, or damage to his/her laptop, cell phone or other professional equipment, up to the corresponding Maximum Covered Amount per Insured shown in the Schedule, provided that he/she has taken reasonable measures to protect, save, and recover his/her property at all times. The laptop, cell phone, or other professional equipment must accompany the Insured during the Covered Trip.

Sporting Equipment Rental Benefit $2,000 per person – optional upgrade

We will reimburse the Insured a Sporting Equipment Rental Benefit, for expenses to rent sporting equipment, up to the corresponding Maximum Covered Amount per Insured shown in the Schedule, if the Insured’s sporting equipment is lost, stolen or damaged while on a Covered Trip. Receipts for the expenses incurred must be submitted for reimbursement, along with written proof that the Insured’s sporting equipment was lost, stolen or damaged.

Sporting Equipment Delay Benefit $1,500 per person – optional upgrade

If the Insured’s Covered Trip is delayed for 8 hours or more, We will reimburse the Insured a Sporting Equipment Delay Benefit for expenses to rent sporting equipment, up to the corresponding Maximum Covered Amount per Insured shown in the Schedule, if the Insured’s sporting equipment is delayed, while on a Covered Trip. Receipts for the expenses incurred must be submitted for reimbursement, along with written proof that the Insured’s sporting equipment was delayed.

Valuation and Payment of Loss

Payment of loss under the Baggage and Personal Effects Benefit, Electrical and Professional Equipment Benefit, and Sporting Equipment Rental Benefit will be calculated based upon the Actual Cash Value or replacement cost basis, whichever is less. For items without receipts, payment of loss will be calculated based upon 50% of the Actual Cash Value or 50% of the replacement cost at the time of loss, whichever is less. At Our option, We may elect to repair or replace the Insured’s Baggage.

We may take all or part of a damaged Baggage as a condition for payment of loss. In the event of a loss to a pair or set of items, We will, solely at Our discretion: (i) repair or replace any part to restore the pair or set toits value before the loss; or (ii) pay the difference between the value of the property before and after the loss.

Items over $250 must be accompanied by original receipts. We will pay the lesser of:
a) the cash value (original cash value less depreciation) as determined by Us; or,
b) the cost of replacement

Items Subject to Special Limitations
We will not pay more than $500 [$1,500 with optional upgrade] (or the Baggage and Personal Effects Benefit limit, if less) on all losses to jewelry; watches; precious or semi-precious gems; decorative or personal articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold, or platinum; cameras, camera equipment; digital or electronic equipment and media; and articles consisting in whole or in part of fur. For purposes of this Special Limitation of this Benefit, the loss of such items will be considered a one total combined loss and not separate losses for each separate item such that a single Special Limitation Maximum Covered Amount per Insured will apply to the total loss of such items. This Items Subject to Special Limitations paragraph does not apply to Electronic and Professional Equipment or Sporting Equipment Rental Benefit

Continuation of Coverage
If the covered Baggage, passports, or visas are in the custody of a Common Carrier, and delivery is delayed, this coverage will continue until the property is delivered to the Insured. This continuation of coverage does not include loss caused by or resulting from the delay.

The Insured’s Duties in the Event of a Loss
In case of loss, theft or damage to Baggage and Personal Effects, the Insured must: (i) immediately report the incident to the hotel manager, tour guide or representative, transportation official, local police, or other local authorities and obtain their written report of his/her loss; and (ii) take reasonable steps to protect his/her Baggage from further damage, and make necessary, reasonable and temporary repairs. We will reimburse the Insured for these expenses. We will not pay for further damage if the Insured fails to protect his/her Baggage.

In case of loss, theft, or damage to the Insured’s laptop, cell phone or other professional equipment, the Insured must report the incident to the airline, airport, local police or other such local authorities and obtain their written report of his/her loss.

In case of loss, theft or damage to the Insured’s sporting equipment, receipts for the expenses incurred must be submitted for reimbursement, along with written proof that the Insured’s sporting equipment was lost,stolen or damaged.

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$750 per person
$500 per item
$500 specific items limit


Subject to SECTION II – EFFECTIVE AND TERMINATION DATES OF INSURANCE, A. EFFECTIVE DATE, the Insured’s coverage under the Baggage and Personal Effects Benefit will take effect on the Scheduled Date of Departure.

We will reimburse the Insured for a Baggage and Personal Effects Benefit, for direct loss, theft, damage or destruction of his/her Baggage, Personal Effects, passports or visas during the Insured’s Covered Trip, up to the corresponding Maximum Covered Amount per Insured shown in the Schedule, provided the Insured takes all reasonable measures to preserve, protect or recover the Baggage. We will also pay for loss due to unauthorized use of the Insured’s credit cards that are not forgiven or otherwise waived by the applicable credit card companies, if the Insured has complied with all of the credit card conditions imposed by the credit card companies. This coverage is primary to other forms of insurance or indemnity. The maximum amount We will reimburse for any one item is limited to the Per Item Limit shown in the Schedule.

Additional Baggage and Personal Effects Benefits:

The following benefits are in addition to, and not included within, the Baggage and Personal Effects Benefit Maximum Covered Amount per Insured shown in the Schedule.

Electronic and Professional Equipment Benefit $2,000 per person – optional upgrade

We will reimburse the Insured for an Electronic and Professional Equipment Benefit, for loss, theft, or damage to his/her laptop, cell phone or other professional equipment, up to the corresponding Maximum Covered Amount per Insured shown in the Schedule, provided that he/she has taken reasonable measures to protect, save, and recover his/her property at all times. The laptop, cell phone, or other professional equipment must accompany the Insured during the Covered Trip.

Sporting Equipment Rental Benefit $2,000 per person – optional upgrade

We will reimburse the Insured a Sporting Equipment Rental Benefit, for expenses to rent sporting equipment, up to the corresponding Maximum Covered Amount per Insured shown in the Schedule, if the Insured’s sporting equipment is lost, stolen or damaged while on a Covered Trip. Receipts for the expenses incurred must be submitted for reimbursement, along with written proof that the Insured’s sporting equipment was lost, stolen or damaged.

Sporting Equipment Delay Benefit $1,500 per person – optional upgrade

If the Insured’s Covered Trip is delayed for 8 hours or more, We will reimburse the Insured a Sporting Equipment Delay Benefit for expenses to rent sporting equipment, up to the corresponding Maximum Covered Amount per Insured shown in the Schedule, if the Insured’s sporting equipment is delayed, while on a Covered Trip. Receipts for the expenses incurred must be submitted for reimbursement, along with written proof that the Insured’s sporting equipment was delayed.

Valuation and Payment of Loss

Payment of loss under the Baggage and Personal Effects Benefit, Electrical and Professional Equipment Benefit, and Sporting Equipment Rental Benefit will be calculated based upon the Actual Cash Value or replacement cost basis, whichever is less. For items without receipts, payment of loss will be calculated based upon 50% of the Actual Cash Value or 50% of the replacement cost at the time of loss, whichever is less. At Our option, We may elect to repair or replace the Insured’s Baggage.

We may take all or part of a damaged Baggage as a condition for payment of loss. In the event of a loss to a pair or set of items, We will, solely at Our discretion: (i) repair or replace any part to restore the pair or set to its value before the loss; or (ii) pay the difference between the value of the property before and after the loss. Items over $250 must be accompanied by original receipts. We will pay the lesser of:

a. the cash value (original cash value less depreciation) as determined by Us; or,
b. the cost of replacement.

Items Subject to Special Limitations

We will not pay more than $500 [$1,500 with optional upgrade] (or the Baggage and Personal Effects Benefit limit, if less) on all losses to jewelry; watches; precious or semi-precious gems; decorative or personal articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold, or platinum; cameras, camera equipment; digital or electronic equipment and media; and articles consisting in whole or in part of fur. For purposes of this Special Limitation of this Benefit, the loss of such items will be considered a one total combined loss and not separate losses for each separate item such that a single Special Limitation Maximum Covered Amount per Insured will apply to the total loss of such items. This Items Subject to Special Limitations paragraph does not apply to Electronic and Professional Equipment or Sporting Equipment Rental Benefit.

Continuation of Coverage

If the covered Baggage, passports, or visas are in the custody of a Common Carrier, and delivery is delayed, this coverage will continue until the property is delivered to the Insured. This continuation of coverage does not include loss caused by or resulting from the delay.

The Insured’s Duties in the Event of a Loss In case of loss, theft or damage to Baggage and Personal Effects, the Insured must: (i) immediately report the incident to the hotel manager, tour guide or representative, transportation official, local police, or other local authorities and obtain their written report of his/her loss; and (ii) take reasonable steps to protect his/her Baggage from further damage, and make necessary, reasonable and temporary repairs. We will reimburse the Insured for these expenses. We will not pay for further damage if the Insured fails to protect his/her Baggage.

In case of loss, theft, or damage to the Insured’s laptop, cell phone or other professional equipment, the Insured must report the incident to the airline, airport, local police or other such local authorities and obtain their written report of his/her loss.

In case of loss, theft or damage to the Insured’s sporting equipment, receipts for the expenses incurred must be submitted for reimbursement, along with written proof that the Insured’s sporting equipment was lost, stolen or damaged.

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Trawick International Trawick International
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage

Safe Travels Annual Executive

$1,000 per trip
$250 per item
$500 specific items limit


This coverage is subject to any coverage provided by a Common Carrier and all Other Insurance and shall apply only when such other benefits are exhausted. In order for a claim to be processed under this Coverage, a loss or theft report must be filed with local law enforcement authorities, the Common Carrier, Travel Supplier, tour leader or with a representative of the venue or location where the loss or theft took place


The Company will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to any applicable sub-limits, if You or Your Traveling Companion sustain Loss, theft or damage to baggage and Personal Effects during the Trip, including, but not limited to sporting equipment, provided You or Your Traveling Companion have taken all measures possible to protect, save and/or recover the property at all times. The baggage and Personal Effects must be owned by and accompany You or Your Traveling Companion during the Trip

The Company will pay the lesser of the following:
a) Actual Cash Value at time of Loss, theft or damage to baggage and Personal Effects; or
b) the cost of repair or replacement in like kind and quality

There will be a per article limit as shown on the Schedule of Benefits.

There will be a combined Maximum Benefit as shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the following: jewelry; watches; articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold or platinum; furs; articles trimmed with or made mostly of fur; Personal Computers; cameras and their accessories and related equipment


If You or Your Traveling Companion have checked property with a Common Carrier and delivery is delayed, coverage for Baggage/Personal Effects will be extended until the Common Carrier delivers Your or Your Traveling Companion’s property or declares such property lost, whichever occurs first.

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Safe Travels Annual Deluxe

$750 per trip
$150 per item
$250 specific items limit


This coverage is subject to any coverage provided by a Common Carrier and all Other Insurance and shall apply only when such other benefits are exhausted. In order for a claim to be processed under this Coverage, a loss or theft report must be filed with local law enforcement authorities, the Common Carrier, Travel Supplier, tour leader or with a representative of the venue or location where the loss or theft took place.


The Company will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to any applicable sub-limits, if You or Your Traveling Companion sustain Loss, theft or damage to baggage and Personal Effects during the Trip, including, but not limited to sporting equipment, provided You or Your Traveling Companion have taken all measures possible to protect, save and/or recover the property at all times. The baggage and Personal Effects must be owned by and accompany You or Your Traveling Companion during the Trip.

The Company will pay the lesser of the following:
(a) Actual Cash Value at time of Loss, theft or damage to baggage and Personal Effects; or
(b) the cost of repair or replacement in like kind and quality.

There will be a per article limit as shown on the Schedule of Benefits.

There will be a combined Maximum Benefit as shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the following: jewelry; watches; articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold or platinum; furs; articles trimmed with or made mostly of fur; Personal Computers; cameras and their accessories and related equipment.


If You or Your Traveling Companion have checked property with a Common Carrier and delivery is delayed, coverage for Baggage/Personal Effects will be extended until the Common Carrier delivers Your or Your Traveling Companion’s property or declares such property lost, whichever occurs first.

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Safe Travels Annual Basic

$500 per trip
$100 per item
$250 specific items limit


This coverage is subject to any coverage provided by a Common Carrier and all Other Insurance and shall apply only when such other benefits are exhausted. In order for a claim to be processed under this Coverage, a loss or theft report must be filed with local law enforcement authorities, the Common Carrier, Travel Supplier, tour leader or with a representative of the venue or location where the loss or theft took place.

The Company will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to any applicable sub-limits, if You or Your Traveling Companion sustain Loss, theft or damage to baggage and Personal Effects during the Trip, including, but not limited to sporting equipment, provided You or Your Traveling Companion have taken all measures possible to protect, save and/or recover the property at all times. The baggage and Personal Effects must be owned by and accompany You or Your Traveling Companion during the Trip.

The Company will pay the lesser of the following:
a) Actual Cash Value at time of Loss, theft or damage to baggage and Personal Effects; or
b) the cost of repair or replacement in like kind and quality.

There will be a per article limit as shown on the Schedule of Benefits

There will be a combined Maximum Benefit as shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the following: jewelry; watches; articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold or platinum; furs; articles trimmed with or made mostly of fur; Personal Computers; cameras and their accessories and related equipment.

If You or Your Traveling Companion have checked property with a Common Carrier and delivery is delayed, coverage for Baggage/Personal Effects will be extended until the Common Carrier delivers Your or Your Traveling Companion’s property or declares such property lost, whichever occurs first.

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Safe Travels Explorer

$750 per person
$200 per item
$500 specific items limit


This coverage is subject to any coverage provided by a Common Carrier and all Other Insurance and shall apply only when such other benefits are exhausted. In order for a claim to be processed under this Coverage, a loss or theft report must be filed with local law enforcement authorities, the Common Carrier, Travel Supplier, tour leader or with a representative of the venue or location where the loss or theft took place.


The Company will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to any applicable sub-limits, if You sustain Loss, theft or damage to baggage and Personal Effects during the Trip, provided You have taken all measures possible to protect, save and/or recover the property at all times. The baggage and Personal Effects must be owned by and accompany You during the Trip.

The Company will pay the lesser of the following:

a) Actual Cash Value at time of Loss, theft or damage to baggage and Personal Effects; or

b) the cost of repair or replacement in like kind and quality.

There will be a per article limit as shown on the Schedule of Benefits.

There will be a combined Maximum Benefit as shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the following: jewelry; watches; articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold or platinum; furs; articles trimmed with or made mostly of fur; cameras and their accessories and related equipment.


If You have checked property with a Common Carrier and delivery is delayed, coverage for Baggage/Personal Effects will be extended until the Common Carrier delivers Your property or declares such property lost, whichever occurs first.

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Safe Travels Journey

$2,000 per person
$200 per item
$500 specific items limit


This coverage is subject to any coverage provided by a Common Carrier and all Other Insurance and shall apply only when such other benefits are exhausted. In order for a claim to be processed under this Coverage, a loss or theft report must be filed with local law enforcement authorities, the Common Carrier, Travel Supplier, tour leader or with a representative of the venue or location where the loss or theft took place.


The Company will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to any applicable sub-limits, if You sustain Loss, theft or damage to baggage and Personal Effects during the Trip, provided You have taken all measures possible to protect, save and/or recover the property at all times. The baggage and Personal Effects must be owned by and accompany You during the Trip.

The Company will pay the lesser of the following:

a) Actual Cash Value at time of Loss, theft or damage to baggage and Personal Effects; or
b) the cost of repair or replacement in like kind and quality.

There will be a per article limit as shown on the Schedule of Benefits.

There will be a combined Maximum Benefit as shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the following:
jewelry; watches; articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold or platinum; furs; articles trimmed with or made mostly of fur; cameras and their accessories and related equipment.


If You have checked property with a Common Carrier and delivery is delayed, coverage for Baggage/Personal Effects will be extended until the Common Carrier delivers Your property or declares such property lost, whichever occurs first.

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Safe Travels Voyager

$2,500 per person
$300 per item
$500 specific items limit


This coverage is subject to any coverage provided by a Common Carrier and shall apply only when such other benefits are exhausted. In order for a claim to be processed under this Coverage, a loss or theft report must be filed with local law enforcement authorities, the Common Carrier, Travel Supplier, tour leader or with a representative of the venue or location where the loss or theft took place.


The Company will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits, subject to any applicable sub-limits, if You sustain Loss, theft or damage to baggage and Personal Effects during the Trip, provided You have taken all measures possible to protect, save and/or recover the property at all times. The baggage and Personal Effects must be owned by and accompany You during the Trip.

The Company will pay the lesser of the following:

a) Actual Cash Value at time of Loss, theft or damage to baggage and Personal Effects; or

b) the cost of repair or replacement in like kind and quality.

There will be a per article limit as shown on the Schedule of Benefits.

There will be a combined Maximum Benefit as shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the following:

jewelry; watches; articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold or platinum; furs; articles trimmed with or made mostly of fur; cameras and their accessories and related equipment.


If You have checked property with a Common Carrier and delivery is delayed, coverage for Baggage/Personal Effects will be extended until the Common Carrier delivers Your property or declares such property lost, whichever occurs first.

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Safe Travels Protect

$500 per person
$100 per item


We will pay You up to the maximum shown on the Schedule of Benefits for Loss, theft or damage to Baggage and personal effects, provided that You, Your Traveling Companion or Your Immediate Family Member has taken all reasonable measures to protect, save and/or recover the property at all times. The Baggage and personal effects must be owned by and accompany You during the Covered Trip. Original receipts and a police report from the local jurisdiction (in the event of theft) must be provided for reimbursement. You have checked Your Baggage with a Common Carrier and delivery is delayed, coverage for Baggage will be extended until the Common Carrier delivers the property.

There is a per article limit shown on the Schedule of Benefits. There is a combined maximum limit shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the following: jewelry, watches, articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold or platinum; furs, articles trimmed with or made mostly of fur, sports equipment, radios, cameras, camcorders and their accessories and related equipment and other electronic items.

We will pay You for fees associated with the replacement of Your passport during Your Covered Trip. Receipts are required for reimbursement. We will also reimburse You for charges and interest incurred due to unauthorized use of Your credit cards if such use occurs during Your Trip and provided that You have complied with all credit card conditions imposed by the credit card companies. We will pay the lesser of the following:

a) Actual Cash Value, as determined by Us, at time of Loss, theft or damage to Baggage and personal effects; or
b) the cost of repair or replacement.

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Safe Travels Defend

$750 per person
$100 per item


We will pay You up to the maximum shown on the Schedule of Benefits for Loss, theft or damage to Baggage and personal effects, provided that You, Your Traveling Companion or Your Immediate Family Member has taken all reasonable measures to protect, save and/or recover the property at all times. The Baggage and personal effects must be owned by and accompany You during the Covered Trip. Original receipts and a police report from the local jurisdiction (in the event of theft) must be provided for reimbursement. You have checked Your Baggage with a Common Carrier and delivery is delayed, coverage for Baggage will be extended until the Common Carrier delivers the property.

There is a per article limit shown on the Schedule of Benefits. There is a combined maximum limit shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the following: jewelry, watches, articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold or platinum; furs, articles trimmed with or made mostly of fur, sports equipment, radios, cameras, camcorders and their accessories and related equipment and other electronic items.

We will pay You for fees associated with the replacement of Your passport during Your Covered Trip. Receipts are required for reimbursement. We will also reimburse You for charges and interest incurred due to unauthorized use of Your credit cards if such use occurs during Your Trip and provided that You have complied with all credit card conditions imposed by the credit card companies. We will pay the lesser of the following:

a. Actual Cash Value, as determined by Us, at time of Loss, theft or damage to Baggage and personal effects; or
b. the cost of repair or replacement.

In addition to the General Limitations and Exclusions, the following exclusions apply to the Baggage/Personal Effects Benefit.

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Safe Travels Armor

$1,000 per person
$100 specific items limit


We will pay You up to the maximum shown on the Schedule of Benefits for Loss, theft or damage to Baggage and personal effects, provided that You, Your Traveling Companion or Your Immediate Family Member has taken all reasonable measures to protect, save and/or recover the property at all times. The Baggage and personal effects must be owned by and accompany You during the Covered Trip. Original receipts and a police report from the local jurisdiction (in the event of theft) must be provided for reimbursement. You have checked Your Baggage with a Common Carrier and delivery is delayed, coverage for Baggage will be extended until the Common Carrier delivers the property.

There is a per article limit shown on the Schedule of Benefits. There is a combined maximum limit shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the following: jewelry, watches, articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold or platinum; furs, articles trimmed with or made mostly of fur, sports equipment, radios, cameras, camcorders and their accessories and related equipment and other electronic items.

We will pay You for fees associated with the replacement of Your passport during Your Covered Trip. Receipts are required for reimbursement. We will also reimburse You for charges and interest incurred due to unauthorized use of Your credit cards if such use occurs during Your Trip and provided that You have complied with all credit card conditions imposed by the credit card companies. We will pay the lesser of the following:

a) Actual Cash Value, as determined by Us, at time of Loss, theft or damage to Baggage and personal effects; or

b) the cost of repair or replacement.

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USI Affinity Travel Insurance Services USI Affinity Travel Insurance Services
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage


$1,000 per person
$250 per item
$500 specific items limit


We will pay You up to the maximum shown on the Schedule of Benefits, for loss, theft or damage to Baggage and personal effects, provided that You, Your Traveling Companion or Your Family Member has taken all reasonable measures to protect, save and/or recover the property at all times. The Baggage and personal effects must be owned by and accompany You during the Covered Trip. Original receipts and a police report from the local jurisdiction (in the event of theft) must be provided for reimbursement. You have checked Your Baggage with a Common Carrier and delivery is delayed, coverage for Baggage will be extended until the Common Carrier delivers the property.

There is a per article limit shown on the Schedule of Benefits. There is a combined maximum limit shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the following: jewelry, watches, articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold or platinum; furs, articles trimmed with or made mostly of fur, sports equipment, radios, cameras, camcorders and their accessories and related equipment and other electronic items.

We will pay You for fees associated with the replacement of Your passport during Your Covered Trip. Receipts are required for reimbursement. We will also reimburse You for charges and interest incurred due to unauthorized use of Your credit cards if such use occurs during Your Trip and provided that You have complied with all credit card conditions imposed by the credit card companies. We will pay the lesser of the following:

a) Actual Cash Value, as determined by Us, at time of loss, theft or damage to Baggage and personal effects; or

b) the cost of repair or replacement.

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$2,500 per person
$300 per item
$500 specific items limit


We will pay You up to the maximum shown on the Schedule of Benefits, for loss, theft or damage to Baggage and personal effects, provided that You, Your Traveling Companion or Your Family Member has taken all reasonable measures to protect, save and/or recover the property at all times. The Baggage and personal effects must be owned by and accompany You during the Covered Trip. Original receipts and a police report from the local jurisdiction (in the event of theft) must be provided for reimbursement. You have checked Your Baggage with a Common Carrier and delivery is delayed, coverage for Baggage will be extended until the Common Carrier delivers the property.

There is a per article limit shown on the Schedule of Benefits. There is a combined maximum limit shown on the Schedule of Benefits for the following: jewelry, watches, articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold or platinum; furs, articles trimmed with or made mostly of fur, sports equipment, radios, cameras, camcorders and their accessories and related equipment and other electronic items.

We will pay You for fees associated with the replacement of Your passport during Your Covered Trip. Receipts are required for reimbursement. We will also reimburse You for charges and interest incurred due to unauthorized use of Your credit cards if such use occurs during Your Trip and provided that You have complied with all credit card conditions imposed by the credit card company(ies). We will pay the lesser of the following:

a) Actual Cash Value, as determined by Us, at time of loss, theft or damage to Baggage and personal effects; or

b) the cost of repair or replacement.

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WorldTrips WorldTrips
Policy Name and Summary of Coverage

Atlas Journey Economy

$1,000 per person
$250 per item

Baggage Damage or Loss

Please note: this coverage is in excess of any other coverage available to You. Please see Excess Insurance under the GENERAL PROVISIONS section for details.

We will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits for theft, damage or destruction of Your Baggage by a third party, or for Common Carrier loss, that occurs during Your Trip provided You have taken reasonable steps to protect, save and/or recover Your property at all times. A loss, damage or destruction report from the Common Carrier or responsible third party, or a police report filed at the time of the theft, must be provided to substantiate any claim for benefits.

Valuation and Payment of Loss:

Payment for losses under this coverage will be calculated based on an Actual Cash Value basis. For items without receipts, payment of losses will be calculated based upon seventy-five percent (75%) of the Actual Cash Value at the time of loss. At Our option, We may elect to repair or replace Your item(s) claimed. We may take all or part of damaged items as a condition of payment for loss. Benefits payable for cell phone losses will be limited to the value or procurement of a refurbished like and similar phone under Your current carrier.

All covered loss items are subject to a per article maximum payable (as indicated in the Schedule of Benefits under “Per Article Maximum”.

In the event of a loss to a pair or set of items, We will:

1. repair or replace any part to restore the pair or set to its value before the loss; or

2. pay the difference between the value of the property before and after the loss.

Items Not Covered:

We will not pay for damage to or loss of:

1. animals;

2. automobiles and automobile equipment; boats or other vehicles or conveyances; motorcycles; trailers; motors; or aircraft;

3. bicycles, except when checked as Baggage with a Common Carrier;

4. household effects and furnishings; antiques and collector items;

5. eyeglasses, sunglasses, contact lenses, artificial teeth, dentures, dental bridges, retainers or other orthodontic devices;

6. hearing aids, artificial limbs or prosthetic devices;

7. keys, money, and credit cards; securities, stamps, tickets, and documents;

8. professional or occupational equipment or property, whether or not electronic Business Equipment;

9. software or downloads.

Losses Not Covered:

We will not pay for loss arising from:

1. breakage of brittle or fragile articles;

2. wear and tear, or gradual deterioration;

3. confiscation or appropriation by order of any government or customs rule;

4. theft or pilferage while left in Your or Your Traveling Companion’s unlocked Covered Vehicle or Rental Car;

5. property illegally acquired, kept, stored or transported;

6. Your failure to take proper care of the item(s);

7. property shipped as freight or shipped prior to the Scheduled Departure Date;

8. electrical current, including electric arching that damages or destroys electrical devices or appliances;

9. insects, vermin or inherent vice.

We will not provide benefits for any loss or damage to Your Baggage which has been reimbursed, or could be reimbursed, by a Common Carrier, hotel or Travel Supplier.

Upgrade – Primary Coverage: Baggage Damage or Loss and Increased Maximum Benefit Limit

If You purchase this optional upgrade, the following coverage changes apply:

1. Additional benefits are available as reflected in the Upgrade’s Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.

2. The Excess Insurance provision under GENERAL PROVISIONS does not apply to BAGGAGE DAMAGE OR LOSS:

Primary Insurance: Benefits provided under Baggage Damage or Loss coverage shall be considered primary. This is subject to recovery, as We may pay a claim first and then seek recovery from any responsible third party.

Excess Insurance: Insurance provided by this Policy shall be in excess of all Other Insurance (except for Baggage Damage or Loss). If, at the time of the occurrence of any other loss, there is Other Insurance in place, We shall be liable only for the excess of any amount paid or payable under Other Insurance. Recover of losses from other parties does not result in a refund of premium paid.

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Atlas Journey Preferred

$1,500 per person
$500 per item

Baggage Damage or Loss

Please note: this coverage is in excess of any other coverage available to You. Please see Excess Insurance under the GENERAL PROVISIONS section for details.

We will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits for theft, damage or destruction of Your Baggage by a third party, or for Common Carrier loss, that occurs during Your Trip provided You have taken reasonable steps to protect, save and/or recover Your property at all times. A loss, damage or destruction report from the Common Carrier or responsible third party, or a police report filed at the time of the theft, must be provided to substantiate any claim for benefits.

Valuation and Payment of Loss:

Payment for losses under this coverage will be calculated based on an Actual Cash Value basis. For items without receipts, payment of losses will be calculated based upon seventy-five percent (75%) of the Actual Cash Value at the time of loss. At Our option, We may elect to repair or replace Your item(s) claimed. We may take all or part of damaged items as a condition of payment for loss. Benefits payable for cell phone losses will be limited to the value or procurement of a refurbished like and similar phone under Your current carrier.

All covered loss items are subject to a per article maximum payable (as indicated in the Schedule of Benefits under “Per Article Maximum”).

In the event of a loss to a pair or set of items, We will:

1. repair or replace any part to restore the pair or set to its value before the loss; or

2. pay the difference between the value of the property before and after the loss.

Items Not Covered:

We will not pay for damage to or loss of:

1. animals;

2. automobiles and automobile equipment; boats or other vehicles or conveyances; motorcycles; trailers; motors; or aircraft;

3. bicycles, except when checked as Baggage with a Common Carrier;

4. household effects and furnishings; antiques and collector items;

5. eyeglasses, sunglasses, contact lenses, artificial teeth, dentures, dental bridges, retainers or other orthodontic devices;

6. hearing aids, artificial limbs or prosthetic devices;

7. keys, money, and credit cards; securities, stamps, tickets, and documents;

8. professional or occupational equipment or property, whether or not electronic Business Equipment;

9. software or downloads.

Losses Not Covered:

We will not pay for loss arising from:

1. breakage of brittle or fragile articles;

2. wear and tear, or gradual deterioration;

3. confiscation or appropriation by order of any government or customs rule;

4. theft or pilferage while left in Your or Your Traveling Companion’s unlocked Covered Vehicle or Rental Car;

5. property illegally acquired, kept, stored or transported;

6. Your failure to take proper care of the item(s);

7. property shipped as freight or shipped prior to the Scheduled Departure Date;

8. electrical current, including electric arching that damages or destroys electrical devices or appliances;

9. insects, vermin or inherent vice.

We will not provide benefits for any loss or damage to Your Baggage which has been reimbursed, or could be reimbursed, by a Common Carrier, hotel or Travel Supplier.

Excess Insurance: Insurance provided by this Policy shall be in excess of all Other Insurance. If, at the time of the occurrence of any other loss, there is Other Insurance in place, We shall be liable only for the excess of any amount paid or payable under Other Insurance. Recover of losses from other parties does not result in a refund of premium paid.

Upgrade – Primary Coverage: Baggage Damage or Loss and Increased Maximum Benefit Limit

If You purchase this optional upgrade, the following coverage changes apply:

1. Additional benefits are available as reflected in the Upgrade’s Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.

2. The Excess Insurance provision under GENERAL PROVISIONS does not apply to BAGGAGE DAMAGE OR LOSS:

Primary Insurance: Benefits provided under Baggage Damage or Loss and coverage shall be considered primary. This is subject to recovery, as We may pay a claim first and then seek recovery from any responsible third party.

Excess Insurance: Insurance provided by this Policy shall be in excess of all Other Insurance (except for Baggage Damage or Loss). If, at the time of the occurrence of any other loss, there is Other Insurance in place, We shall be liable only for the excess of any amount paid or payable under Other Insurance. Recover of losses from other parties does not result in a refund of premium paid.

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Atlas Journey Premier

$2,000 per person
$500 per item

Baggage Damage or Loss

Please note: this coverage is in excess of any other coverage available to You. Please see Excess Insurance under the GENERAL PROVISIONS section for details.

We will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits for theft, damage or destruction of Your Baggage by a third party, or for Common Carrier loss, that occurs during Your Trip provided You have taken reasonable steps to protect, save and/or recover Your property at all times. A loss, damage or destruction report from the Common Carrier or responsible third party, or a police report filed at the time of the theft, must be provided to substantiate any claim for benefits.

Valuation and Payment of Loss:

Payment for losses under this coverage will be calculated based on an Actual Cash Value basis. For items without receipts, payment of losses will be calculated based upon seventy-five percent (75%) of the Actual Cash Value at the time of loss. At Our option, We may elect to repair or replace Your item(s) claimed. We may take all or part of damaged items as a condition of payment for loss. Benefits payable for cell phone losses will be limited to the value or procurement of a refurbished like and similar phone under Your current carrier.

All covered loss items are subject to a per article maximum payable (as indicated in the Schedule of Benefits under “Per Article Maximum”).

In the event of a loss to a pair or set of items, We will:

1. repair or replace any part to restore the pair or set to its value before the loss; or
2. pay the difference between the value of the property before and after the loss.

Items Not Covered:

We will not pay for damage to or loss of:
1. animals;
2. automobiles and automobile equipment; boats or other vehicles or conveyances; motorcycles; trailers; motors; or aircraft;
3. bicycles, except when checked as Baggage with a Common Carrier;
4. household effects and furnishings; antiques and collector items;
5. eyeglasses, sunglasses, contact lenses, artificial teeth, dentures, dental bridges, retainers or other orthodontic devices;
6. hearing aids, artificial limbs or prosthetic devices;
7. keys, money, and credit cards; securities, stamps, tickets, and documents;
8. professional or occupational equipment or property, whether or not electronic Business Equipment;
9. software or downloads.

Losses Not Covered:

We will not pay for loss arising from:
1. breakage of brittle or fragile articles;
2. wear and tear, or gradual deterioration;
3. confiscation or appropriation by order of any government or customs rule;
4. theft or pilferage while left in Your or Your Traveling Companion’s unlocked Covered Vehicle or Rental Car;
5. property illegally acquired, kept, stored or transported;
6. Your failure to take proper care of the item(s);
7. property shipped as freight or shipped prior to the Scheduled Departure Date;
8. electrical current, including electric arching that damages or destroys electrical devices or appliances;
9. insects, vermin or inherent vice.

We will not provide benefits for any loss or damage to Your Baggage which has been reimbursed, or could be reimbursed, by a Common Carrier, hotel or Travel Supplier.

Upgrade – Primary Coverage: Baggage Damage or Loss And Increased Maximum Benefit Limit

If You purchase this optional upgrade, the following coverage changes apply:

1. Additional benefits are available as reflected in the Upgrade’s Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits.
2. The Excess Insurance provision under GENERAL PROVISIONS does not apply to BAGGAGE DAMAGE OR LOSS:

Primary Insurance: Benefits provided under Baggage Damage or Loss coverage shall be considered primary. This is subject to recovery, as We may pay a claim first and then seek recovery from any responsible third party.

Excess Insurance: Insurance provided by this Policy shall be in excess of all Other Insurance (except for Baggage Damage or Loss). If, at the time of the occurrence of any other loss, there is Other Insurance in place, We shall be liable only for the excess of any amount paid or payable under Other Insurance. Recover of losses from other parties does not result in a refund of premium paid.

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$750 per person
$250 per item

Baggage Damage or Loss
Please note: this coverage is primary. Please see Primary Insurance under the GENERAL PROVISIONS section for details.

We will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits for theft, damage or destruction of Your Baggage by a third party, or for Common Carrier loss, that occurs during Your Trip provided You have taken reasonable steps to protect, save and/or recover Your property at all times. A loss, damage or destruction report from the Common Carrier or responsible third party, or a police report filed at the time of the theft, must be provided to substantiate any claim for benefits

Valuation and Payment of Loss:Payment for losses under this coverage will be calculated based on an Actual Cash Value basis. For items without receipts, payment of losses will be calculated based upon seventy-five percent (75%) of the Actual Cash Value at the time of loss. At Our option, We may elect to repair or replace Your item(s)claimed. We may take all or part of damaged items as a condition of payment for loss. Benefits payable for cell phone losses will be limited to the value or procurement of a refurbished like and similar phone under Your current carrier

All covered loss items are subject to a per article maximum payable (as indicated in the Schedule of Benefits under “Per Article Maximum”

In the event of a loss to a pair or set of items, We will:
1. repair or replace any part to restore the pair or set to its value before the loss; or
2. pay the difference between the value of the property before and after the loss.

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$1,500 per person
$500 per item

Baggage Damage or Loss

Please note: this coverage is primary of any other coverage available to You. Please see Primary Insurance under the GENERAL PROVISIONS section for details.

We will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits for theft, damage or destruction of Your Baggage by a third party, or for Common Carrier loss, that occurs during Your Trip provided You have taken reasonable steps to protect, save and/or recover Your property at all times. A loss, damage or destruction report from the Common Carrier or responsible third party, or a police report filed at the time of the theft, must be provided to substantiate any claim for benefits.

Valuation and Payment of Loss:

Payment for losses under this coverage will be calculated based on an Actual Cash Value basis. For items without receipts, payment of losses will be calculated based upon seventy-five percent (75%) of the Actual Cash Value at the time of loss. At Our option, We may elect to repair or replace Your item(s) claimed. We may take all or part of damaged items as a condition of payment for loss. Benefits payable for cell phone losses will be limited to the value or procurement of a refurbished like and similar phone Funder Your current carrier.

All covered loss items are subject to a per article maximum payable (as indicated in the Schedule of Benefits under “Per Article Maximum”).

In the event of a loss to a pair or set of items, We will:

1. repair or replace any part to restore the pair or set to its value before the loss; or
2. pay the difference between the value of the property before and after the loss.

We will not provide benefits for any loss or damage to Your Baggage which has been reimbursed, or could be reimbursed, by a Common Carrier, hotel or Travel Supplier.

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$2,500 per person
$500 per item

Baggage Damage or Loss

Please note: this coverage is primary. Please see Primary Insurance under the GENERAL PROVISIONS section for details.

We will reimburse You up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits for theft, damage or destruction of Your Baggage by a third party, or for Common Carrier loss, that occurs during Your Trip provided You have taken reasonable steps to protect, save and/or recover Your property at all times. A loss, damage or destruction report from the Common Carrier or responsible third party, or a police report filed at the time of the theft, must be provided to substantiate any claim for benefits.

Valuation and Payment of Loss: Payment for losses under this coverage will be calculated based on an Actual Cash Value basis. For items without receipts, payment of losses will be calculated based upon seventy-five percent (75%) of the Actual Cash Value at the time of loss. At Our option, We may elect to repair or replace Your item(s) claimed. We may take all or part of damaged items as a condition of payment for loss. Benefits payable for cell phone losses will be limited to the value or procurement of a refurbished like and similar phone under Your current carrier.

All covered loss items are subject to a per article maximum payable (as indicated in the Schedule of Benefits under “Per Article Maximum”).

In the event of a loss to a pair or set of items, We will:

1. repair or replace any part to restore the pair or set to its value before the loss; or

2. pay the difference between the value of the property before and after the loss.

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