Overall Rating 4.07 out of 5
Overall Rating 4.07 out of 5 1,194 Reviews Since 2013

  • Rating 5 out of 5
    Go Ready Pandemic Plus
    Review Received:
    October 20, 2022
    Jeffrey from VA Verified Squaremouth Customer

    Insurance co has cumbersome portal to upload documentation. They are also inflexible about missing receipts.

    Response From:
    Response Received:
    November 1, 2022

    It is a standard process in our industry to require proof that an expense was incurred for payment to be provided. For example, it’s not enough to just say we spent $200 on food with no receipts.

    In terms of the portal, we are in the process of rolling out major upgrades in that area to increase the speed & ease of the claims process even more.

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  • Rating 1 out of 5
    Go Ready Pandemic Plus
    Review Received:
    October 12, 2022
    Pamela from WA Verified Squaremouth Customer

    While on my trip, I contacted Covid on day 6 of the trip. I was removed from the group and sent back to the capital Ulaanbataar of Mongolia. There I was quarantined for 6 days. Right away I contacted via email GoReady Insurance asking for help and direction as to what I could do and gather for a claim. I mentioned that I could not call as my phone was not working and that the hotel where I was quarantined could not call outside of the country. I did NOT hear back. I had my sister call the emergency assistance number for GoReady inside the US and she explained my situation and they assured her they would call me at my hotel room. They did NOT. She called 2 days later as I stated I had not heard from them. They again assured her they would call me. NO call. the next day she tried again--NO call to me at my hotel room even after again an assurance!!! So no, I have not been impressed with GoReady. I did file a claim since I have returned home and I have my fingers crossed on that.

    Review Updated: 02/04/2023

    This is pertaining to Policy #45GRWASM1495922 and the provider is GoReady Insurance and the underwriter is Starr Indemnity. & Liability Company.
    During my trip to Mongolia leaving the US on September 14th, 2022, and returning on October 5th, 2022 I contacted Covid on September 23rd, 2022, and had to be removed from the tour group and was put into quarantine in the capital of Ulaanbataar for 6 days. During that time, I tried emailing GoReady from Mongolia since my phone would not call out of the country. I was trying to know what articles I would need to collect in order to file a claim for trip interruption. I did NOT get a response from GoReady insurance. I had my sister who is in the US call the Emergency Assist number for those needing assistance inside the US. She talked with representatives on the emergency number 3 different times and they stated each time they would call me at my hotel in Mongolia to help me. They did NOT call. Upon my return on October 5th, 2022 I started a claims procedure with GoReady and they did not reply. The initial claim submission was on October 12, 2022. I tried an additional time and again, but they did not reply. Square Mouth contacted me with a survey asking how I liked GoReady. I replied that I was rating them as low as I could and stated the above reasons. The very next morning after stating this via an email to Square Mouth I received a call from GoReady apologizing for the "mixup" and they filed a claim. I was given a claim with Affinity for Trip Interruption #4059448 and another #4059449 for Trip Delay. When I was speaking with the GoReady representative, she was able to pull up the forms I had already submitted and stated that she would forward them to the two policies for Trip Delay and Trip Interruption. When nothing happened for several days, I again contacted GoReady and spoke with Carolyn Payano at 904-513-7495 about the trip delay. I was asked by Carolyn Payano to submit additional forms which I did. She also gave me Judith Joseph's contact 404-885-8539 regarding the trip interruption. I talked with Judith Joseph on November 4th. At that time she quickly reviewed what I had submitted and asked me to submit 3 additional forms. She also asked that I email her at to let her know when I had downloaded the additional forms as well as leave a voice mail on her phone to also let her know these forms had been downloaded so she could look for them. I did both the email notification as well as the voicemail on November 4th. I heard no confirmation from her. I again tried calling on November 9th as well as emailing reiterating that the forms had been downloaded as she requested and could I please have a confirmation regarding this and please give me a status on the claim. Again, no response. On November 17th I once again contacted Judith Joseph asking if she had received the forms and what was the status. Again, NO response. The forms that I have downloaded so far are:
    the Broadspire claim form with signature
    receipt from Hotel Bayangol for the 6 days at the hotel during quarantine
    the official Mongolian confirmation that I was tested positive for Covid at a state testing site on October 21, 2022
    an updated travel itinerary from Exodus travel--the company I was with on the tour
    the original bill for the tour from Exodus that was sent to me on May 30, 2022--$12,698.00 US for both my husband and myself
    the official letter from Joe Figueiredo who is Customer Services Executive at Exodus stating that I was removed from the tour on the 23rd of October and rejoined the tour October 29th thus missing 6 days of the tour. He also stated the tour was 17 days long and my price was $6,349 US--my half of the May 30th bill of $12,698.00
    my flight schedule and payment from Expedia showing the itinerary as well as the $6,216.74 US cost for both my husband and myself
    Delta airlines cancelation policy in full
    my Visa credit card statement showing the charge for the airfare--mine singled out at $3,108.37 US
    the Visa statement showing the $12,698.00 from Exodus travel. I could not find the total $12,698.00 US charge but was able to find the $12,063.10 charge from Exodus but could not find the receipt for the remaining $634.90. I do not know where that is.
    an additional receipt for 95,000 Mongolian Turk ($27.00 US) for a PCR test done again on September 26, 2022, also stating I was continuing to be testing positive

    When I talked with the first GoReady representative on October 12, 2022, I was assured by her that there would be a response in 2-3 days. It has now been 46 (!) days and still nothing. I have had email confirmations from Affinity Broadspire stating "Successful Upload Notification "On November 4th, November 4th, and October 21st. I also received an "Acknowledgement Letter from Broadspire Claims for both 4059449 and 4059448 on October 12. I also received an email on October 12th that "Your Claim has been Initiated.
    What more can I do??? Help---please.
    Pamela and Scott Woodward
    480 Columbia Park Trail
    Richland, WA. 99352

    Response From:
    Response Received:
    October 12, 2022

    Immediately after receiving this review, we contacted the insured. It turns out that they were using the wrong contact information to reach us by email. Meanwhile, our emergency assistance team who spoke with his sister said that they tried calling the number provided but were unable to reach the insured.

    We clarified our correct contact information for the insured & assisted them with their claim.

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    25 out of 25 people found this review helpful

  • Rating 5 out of 5
    Go Ready Pandemic Plus
    Review Received:
    October 10, 2022
    Cynthia from CA Verified Squaremouth Customer

    I cannot make an adequate review at this point. I have submitted my information, and am waiting for a response. I will say that the agent, while quite pleasant, described a procedure that is not at all consistent with the information on the actual insurance document. I became concerned during our conversation that having my claim filled is going to be problematic. However, time will tell.

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  • Rating 5 out of 5
    Go Ready Pandemic Plus
    Review Received:
    October 9, 2022
    Josephine from NJ Verified Squaremouth Customer

    As soon as we returned from our trip, i needed to create a claim for trip interruption. So far the experience I’ve had with the representatives has been positive and have helped with the process. Hopefully, it will continue to move forward in a positive light .

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    0 out of 2 people found this review helpful

  • Rating 4 out of 5
    Go Ready Choice
    Review Received:
    October 7, 2022
    Karen from NY Verified Squaremouth Customer

    I called in to secure my policy. Agent extremely helpful.

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  • Rating 3 out of 5
    Go Ready Pandemic Plus
    Review Received:
    October 3, 2022
    Michael from MO Verified Squaremouth Customer

    Claim was filed September 20. Waiting to hear back?

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  • Rating 5 out of 5
    Go Ready Pandemic Plus
    Review Received:
    September 23, 2022
    Carolyn from WA Verified Squaremouth Customer

    I have attempted to file a claim but have not been able to successfully do so. I sent an Apple computer file and was told that I needed to send a PDF file. In the meantime my daughter who was sick was sent the wrong forms at least twice but she was given a case number and a location where she could upload her evidence. She called and someone, possibly a secretary told her that I should file my claim with hers since they were related and that they were working on it but heavily burdened with large numbers of claims.

    Today my daughter told me that she is making progress uploading her evidence to a site that was provided to her but that she thinks I may need to do my own and that I need a case number. I've just been using the number issued me when I took out the insurance. I guess I needed to work out the PDF format and respond to the person I have heard from . I am not computer adept and had happily thought my daughter could do it for us both but she isn't a computer whiz either. I have spoken to someone on the phone who was encouraging. midway. I guess I'll try that again as it has become quite confusing.

    Just talked with my daughter and have a clearer picture of how another entity is helping process this and what I have to do to complete a file to them. I will do that in the next few days and maybe by four weeks from now I will have more positive news. I am pleased that they are offering to pay for the more expensive (and sadly disappointing) hotel we were forced to move into as opposed to the charming and cheaper hotel we had to cancel because we couldn't travel as planned. That Is a real plus in my book because it was the actual cost of the emergency the illness created.

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    4 out of 4 people found this review helpful

  • Rating 1 out of 5
    Go Ready Choice
    Review Received:
    September 17, 2022
    Charlie from AR Verified Squaremouth Customer

    I can not rate until my claim is settled
    Therefore my one star rating will be subject to change

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    4 out of 9 people found this review helpful

  • Rating 3 out of 5
    Go Ready Choice
    Review Received:
    September 7, 2022
    Nancy from PA Verified Squaremouth Customer

    They did not contact me after my initial claim. I reached out to Squaremouth for assistance. They ten reached out and said they were extremely busy. I still have not gotten a reply back since the last email.

    Response From:
    Response Received:
    September 7, 2022

    We were able to touch base with this insured today by phone & email. She now understands that she needs to get the reason why her flight was cancelled from her airline so we can properly initiate her reimbursement claim.

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    1 out of 1 people found this review helpful

  • Rating 2 out of 5
    Go Ready Choice
    Review Received:
    September 1, 2022
    Lorrayne from NY Verified Squaremouth Customer

    I went to the urgent care with stomach pain, got some medication and went home. It has been one month and a half I submitted a claim and they keep coming back to me every two weeks requiring additional documentation, saying they can’t visualize my documents. This is unacceptable and I’ll never contract their services again.

    Response From:
    Response Received:
    September 20, 2022

    This insured’s claim was paid the same week this review was posted which was one month after it was initially opened. We’re sorry our speed of service didn’t meet her standards & hope to have a chance to improve on that in the future.

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