Overall Rating 4.07 out of 5
Overall Rating 4.07 out of 5 1,194 Reviews Since 2013

  • Rating 5 out of 5
    Go Ready Pandemic Plus
    Review Received:
    December 14, 2023
    Scott from UT Verified Squaremouth Customer

    It’s taken over a month so far to get a $300 claim check refund from the insurance company after submitting all the required documents and then some. A cancelled trip to Israel shouldn’t take this long. Pretty ridiculous actually. Waiting.

    Review Updated: 01/11/2024

    Took almost five weeks to provide $300 refund from a Cancel for ANY REASON policy to Israel. Communication with company was confusing as they are a third party company so I never knew who I was talking with. Kept getting transferred. But my persistence paid off. They finally refunded. Not sure I’d use them again.

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    4 out of 4 people found this review helpful

  • Rating 1 out of 5
    Go Ready Choice
    Review Received:
    December 13, 2023
    Donnan from TN Verified Squaremouth Customer

    I am not happy with the results of my claim. I have submitted a letter to claims responding to it. If my claim is not paid. I want my money back that I paid to you for insurance because you have not insured me at all. I don't think that I will ever get travel insurance again.

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    8 out of 11 people found this review helpful

  • Rating 1 out of 5
    Go Ready Trip Cancellation
    Review Received:
    December 12, 2023
    David from NJ Verified Squaremouth Customer

    I filed a claim because my father-in-law died and his funeral was being held on the day of my departing flight. This exact scenario is listed in the policy as something that should be covered. So far they have refused to honor their commitment. It is making me question whether there's any point in getting travel insurance if they're not going to honor a straightforward situation like this. I definitely will avoid using this insurance company again in the future if I bother getting a policy at all.

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    26 out of 27 people found this review helpful

  • Rating 3 out of 5
    Go Ready Choice
    Review Received:
    December 3, 2023
    Richard from MI Verified Squaremouth Customer

    So far, Aegis has done nothing but take our money for the insurance policy. My wife suffered a severe back injury before our vacation that required surgery on November1. Under doctors order she was told not to travel on November 19. When I contacted Aegis they passed me off to squaremouth/Go Ready and I filled out numerous forms and documentation. After I had satisfied all of their requirements I was then passed over to Zurich Travel Assist. Zurich basically had me duplicate all of the work I had previously done with squaremouth /Go Ready plus some additional forms, including having to go to our doctor and get his signature as to the nature of her injury. This was after our doctor had already written a letter at our request describing her injury and stating for her not to fly for our vacation. We have submitted all of the paperwork Zurich requested and am waiting for their response. The whole claims experience has been frustrating. We don’t even know who we are dealing with, Aegis, Go Ready, squaremouth, Zurich?

    Response From:
    Response Received:
    January 19, 2024

    We’re sorry that you weren’t initially satisfied with the claims process & unfamiliar with the companies involved. For clarification, “SquareMouth” is the website that allowed you to compare policies from a range of varying insurers. “Aegis” is the company that you found offered the best policy. Aegis’s Travel Insurance Products are branded as their “Go Ready” plans. “Zurich” is the underwriter of those plans.

    To help the efficiency of the claim process, when clients contact our service center, we help them collect backup documentation we know their adjuster will ultimately ask for. We then forward that information to your adjuster as we ask them to initiate your claim process. There shouldn’t have been any need to send the same information twice.

    If the doctor’s note doesn’t clearly indicate the diagnosis or include a recommendation for the individual not to travel, then those are 2 common areas you’ll see an adjuster push back asking for an improved document from the medical professional.

    As you know, your claim was approved & you have received payment. Based on our recent conversation with you, it seems like you were satisfied with the final outcome.

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    20 out of 20 people found this review helpful

  • Rating 4 out of 5
    Go Ready Choice
    Review Received:
    November 29, 2023
    Mary from CA Verified Squaremouth Customer

    So far my experience has not been good. I had to visit a doctor while in Spain for an infection and was given antibiotics. I filed the claim upon my return. Because they required so many documents, ,I put the package together and mailed it through USPS with 2-day delivery. I received an email confirmation that my claim had been received. I was told 5-10 business days to process the claim. However, it is now 11/29, and I had not heard anything from them regarding my claim. I had sent an email requesting status and received no response. So, today I called them. I got some sort of runaround from them that because I had sent it through USPS (2-day delivery), the claims department did not actually receive my claim until Nov. 14. To me, that is unacceptable. It has been 10 business days today since they received my claim and I was told to call back next week!! I have never experienced such bad customer service before. This is upsetting as I used this same company for my next vacation in January. Hopefully my claim will be approved. It is a very straightforward claim. But the delay so far is unacceptable.

    Review Updated: 12/27/2023

    I filed a claim for reimbursement of medical expenses incurred on vacation in Spain. The documentation required was extensive and they wouldn’t accept any receipts or documents that had been photographed (as so opposed to copying). This was time consuming and is a requirement I have not come across before. Since I had so many pages, rather than scan all of them on a one at a time basis, I sent the documents in USMail to the address on the website. Two weeks passed and I had heard nothing. So, I called and spoke with someone in a call center. She blamed me for mailing the package in instead of using email. But it was their process and requirements which necessitated my paper submission ( and I paid for 2-day delivery). After that conversation, I received an email stating that I would need to send them a
    Copying my itinerary, (which had been included in my original letter/package of documents). A few days after that, I got a call from a manager apologizing for the service and the confusion. I appreciated that. As it turns out, I was at fault for not reading the policy carefully enough to see that they only provided secondary medical and that I needed to go through my provider first and then they would evaluate everything not covered. (All of my previously purchased plans provided primary medical
    Coverage). I submitted my claim to my provider (didn’t need to send all the itinerary to them) and received full
    Compensation from them fo the $340+ expenses. All that said, the 2-week delay in responding to my submission and then asking me to resend my documents is enough to make me think twice about purchasing from them again.

    Response From:
    Response Received:
    December 7, 2023

    We appreciate Ms. King sharing her feedback. We touched base with her insurance adjuster who required some additional documentation & emailed Ms. King accordingly. We also reached out to Ms. King by phone & email to ensure she received that email from the adjuster & to help clarify or collect that information for her. As of now, we’re still pending a response from Ms. King.

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    4 out of 6 people found this review helpful

  • Rating 3 out of 5
    Go Ready Choice
    Review Received:
    November 28, 2023
    Sherry from CA Verified Squaremouth Customer

    They have not been helpful with my claim since the trip was canceled.
    They keep requesting more information stating that what I sent wasn’t clear enough even though it is from the tour company.
    They did not call the tour company to verify anything like customer service said they would.
    It’s been a month and no money.
    Wry disappointed.

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    4 out of 4 people found this review helpful

  • Rating 5 out of 5
    Go Ready Choice
    Review Received:
    November 24, 2023
    Edward from CA Verified Squaremouth Customer

    I purchased several policies from SquareMouth in the past. Never filed a claim, so I do not have any experience. This time I filed a very small claim, and we'll see how it will go.

    Review Updated: 12/22/2023

    I had a very satisfying experience with Squaremouth Insurance. The claim was processed without any problems. Will be using it again.

    Response From:
    Response Received:
    November 27, 2023

    This insured’s claim which was just initiated one week ago on 11/20/23 just prior to the Thanksgiving holiday has been approved. Payment will be sent shortly.

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    0 out of 2 people found this review helpful

  • Rating 4 out of 5
    Go Ready Trip Cancellation
    Review Received:
    November 21, 2023
    George from MA Verified Squaremouth Customer

    Claim filed 11/20/2023

    Review Updated: 12/19/2023

    3 weeks from claim submission to receiving a check! Excellent. However they do not keep you informed such as acknowledging receipt of the claim. Telephone response is slow and and requires at least one transfer to even find out if they received the claim.
    Thanks. Keep them in shape.

    Response From:
    Response Received:
    December 5, 2023

    Claim was approved for payment on 12/04/23.

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    2 out of 3 people found this review helpful

  • Rating 5 out of 5
    Go Ready Choice
    Review Received:
    November 9, 2023
    KENNETH from CA Verified Squaremouth Customer

    Aegis is very slow to respond to a claim. I filed 10/19/23 and have yet to receive a reply. They indicated 5-10 days but we are now almost a month. Customer Service was helpful in preparing claim but the back end falls short.

    Review Updated: 12/07/2023

    It took longer than Aegis estimated to process claim, but payment was made. Would use them again.

    Response From:
    Response Received:
    November 9, 2023

    This claim was approved for payment roughly 3 weeks (or 15 business days) after all necessary documentation was submitted. The insured has been notified. Hopefully, we can continue improving our processing time to better meet their expectations.

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    12 out of 12 people found this review helpful

  • Rating 5 out of 5
    Go Ready Choice
    Review Received:
    October 30, 2023
    Michael from OR Verified Squaremouth Customer

    Easy to purchase. When I experienced difficulties during my travel I received calls and emails asking about my situation. This made me feel much more comfortable with the coverage. Upon arriving back in the US I filled the necessary paperwork and received an automatic reply. There has been no further contact either way for the past 2 weeks. Now we wait out Medicare to see what they do before any other funds will be forth coming.

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    7 out of 7 people found this review helpful