0.1% (107) negative reviews to sales
Average on Squaremouth is 0.2%
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1 star
Detailed Ratings
Customer Service Before Trip
Customer Service During Trip
Customer Service During Claim
Please enter the date your trip begins. This should be the day you leave your home.
Please enter the last day of your trip. This should be the day you return home.
Please enter your destination country. If you are traveling to multiple destinations, please just enter one. The policies on our site provide coverage across multiple countries.
Since 2015
Average Monthly Sales Since 2015
Since 2015
Overall Rating
4.23 out of 5
Overall Rating 4.23 out of 5
1,010 Reviews Since 2015
Customer Reviews for AXA Assistance USA
Sort by Most Helpful, Most Recent, Star Ratings, or select “Filed Claim” to only show reviews from customers who filed a claim.
Terry and Barry from CA
Verified Squaremouth Customer
I have filed a complaint with the California State Board of Insurance regarding this matter. Being stranded in a foreign country with no assistance is completely unacceptable. I will let the State of California investigate this matter.
And if your Insurance Company makes a fuss regarding the claim, rhe matter will be settled in front of a JUDGE!
Husband to Terry F Perkin
(Policy holder)
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21 out of 24 people found this review helpful
Rating 5 out of 5
Review Received:
February 19, 2023
Frank from NY
Verified Squaremouth Customer
Very helpful
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0 out of 3 people found this review helpful
Rating 4 out of 5
Review Received:
February 18, 2023
Russell from MO
Verified Squaremouth Customer
Disappointed to learn AXA only pays after we file with Tricare for Life. We assumed AXA trip insurance was primary.
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17 out of 18 people found this review helpful
Rating 4 out of 5
Review Received:
February 4, 2023
Judy from NV
Verified Squaremouth Customer
Customer service politely referral me to their website. Mailed all of the information 9 days ago. No response as of yet
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4 out of 4 people found this review helpful
Rating 1 out of 5
Review Received:
February 1, 2023
Maria from CA
Verified Squaremouth Customer
From day 1 I thought Ada gás the Wiest customs servir. The communication White purchasing was unkind and they were lazy to provide information and answer any questions.
Later I got in touch with Aca asking to extend my policy some I was unable to fly back due to a chronic back pain and covered symptoms which did not lead me to any emergency room since I was traveling around Brazil and preferred to not go to any doctor.
Changed emails with 6 different people at every answer and all of them were unhelpful and rude quite honestly saying.
Now I am still in Brazil and uncovered even though I sent them my plane tkt with the new date and all explanations and they refused to help. I am very disappointed with Axa. Terrible service.
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17 out of 17 people found this review helpful
Rating 4 out of 5
Review Received:
January 31, 2023
Linda from CA
Verified Squaremouth Customer
They are open about being able to select just medical/emergency benefits and how to do it for those that have other coverage and need just special overseas travel medical coverage.
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2 out of 2 people found this review helpful
Rating 5 out of 5
Review Received:
January 18, 2023
John from MA
Verified Squaremouth Customer
We found an affordable travel policy with the coverage we needed; when we needed to adjust the days of coverage following final booking of the trip, AXA was helpful and accommodating, and that was easy to change at no additional cost. Overall, an excellent and seamless experience!
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5 out of 5 people found this review helpful
Rating 4 out of 5
Review Received:
January 15, 2023
Karen from MI
Verified Squaremouth Customer
I have sent numerous emails regarding my claim and have never received a response. Its been over a month since I filed it the 2nd time, the customer service agent told me to file online which I did and that claim went to Singapore. They were responsive but said I had to file with US. US has been completely unresponsive
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21 out of 23 people found this review helpful
Rating 4 out of 5
Review Received:
January 11, 2023
Barry from GA
Verified Squaremouth Customer
Squaremouth helped me with a recalcitrant provider several months ago, so I am a grateful supporter of the company (so far... I still cannot get an answer from AXA as to whether they have gotten my claim so I may need Squaremouth's help again!). BTW, I did not have a pre-departure interaction with AXA Assistance USA, but there is no way to indicate this in the above question survey.
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11 out of 11 people found this review helpful
Rating 5 out of 5
Review Received:
January 10, 2023
John from OH
Verified Squaremouth Customer
It took a little bit longer to complete the claim process than we had anticipated, but we are satisfied with the results.
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4 out of 4 people found this review helpful